I ended up choosing not to go with the pet transport companies because of the expense, and because of this clause in their contract about my not getting to know what airline, nor flight number my cats would be on until they were in the air. That just didn't feel right to me. After further investigation, I discovered that Continental Airlines is one of the approved airlines for the PetScheme and they are trained to help make sure all the paperwork is ready before the cats get on the plane, and there is someone in London to pick up the cats for me and take them through customs and bring them to me. Their Live Animal Desk (I think that is what it is called) -- when I phoned them the people were so helpful and knowledgeable about the PetScheme they were telling me things off the top of their heads that I had taken weeks to research! I feel very good about my decision to go with them. I thought I didn't want to have to deal with the cats and seeing them in distress about getting on a plane, but when I was faced with the thought of no knowing their flight or airline, I realized I wanted to do more of it myself. And, I've figured it will save me at least $1000, which I'm very happy about. My vet is very willing to work with me on putting in their Eurochips, which I ordered off the web from
http://www.pettravel.com/ ... my girls have their appointment today to have those chips put in and their rabies vaccinations. I have about a book's worth of things printed off from the defra site to take with me, and my vet's assistant blocked off an extra amount of time for us today so we could make sure we do everything correctly. So, I am VERY happy!! Thank you to those of you who made recommendations. Everyone on this site is so very helpful. I am starting the process myself, so perhaps I can be helpful to others in the future!!