I've been away for a few weeks--I apologize for that. A friend of the family sadly passed away at the beginning of the month and I've started my final term of grad school so things have been somewhat crazy. Anyway, it's good to be back.
I have a question for PA residents, especially who went to NY in person to get their visa. I'm trying to figure out how long it takes for marriage licenses to be processed after they are filed (I sent an email to the relevant address provided the Lackawanna County website, only to have it bounced. It's the government, why am I not surprised?) and was wondering if anyone here might know (most of the "normal" wedding boards didn't know). I know we'd be able to go pick it up in person, so we wouldn't need to wait the 1-2 weeks to get it in the mail. I'm assuming the version we'd need for the visa nonsense is the one that's processed by City Hall, not the pretty one we get from the priest.
The reason I ask is because I'm wondering when we'll need to make the appointment for the visa interview (and thus how long FH will need to take time off work). If it's even possible, that is. We're getting married in the US but I will be emigrating.
Obviously I'm going to call as soon as they're open tomorrrow and I can get through, but if anyone here knows anything about this, it would be awesome. Thanks!