Alot of viewpoints on this and everyone is of course entitled to thier opinion!
I'd just like to point out
1. The UK when it comes to choice is 'limited' - as I've mentioned before, many suppliers don't even bother with the UK market. Although Tesco deals with 'food' you can bet your bottom pound/dollar (haha) that they only provide what 'sells' - why waste time offering something/product which isn't going to sell in large quantities for them? - choice therefore is 'limited' - on top of that, the UK culture also is used to having less choice in many product markets. Until more and more people want or demand more choice, it isn't going to change.
2. Any large company will get 'flak' - but the smaller competitors are probably doing the same or slightly different tactics in order to compete - what happens when people find out sainsburys or somerfield etc are doing 'xyz' as well ? will they stop shopping there too?
3. Convenience - 'alot' of customers (like me) simply walk in, pickup whats needed, pay and walk out. I like I can do that at 130 am - it gives me a chance to do more important stuff and I know that if I need something later I can get it easily. tesco's as far as I know are the only chain who even offer this in some stores - if other's do it, great, I can go there too!
On the whole, the 'UK' needs to realise that in order to stay up in the G8 some things need to change and improve, with the advent of global business, innovation is key to the UK's future - and unfortunatley, currently 'innovation' isn't a word immediatley synonomous (sp?) with UK business people.
Cheers! DtM! West London and Slough! yep where that giant sized Tesco is !