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Topic: What happens when cash machine swallows you card?  (Read 7422 times)

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Re: What happens when cash machine swallows you card?
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2007, 10:32:34 PM »
I got mine swallowed in the states about 13 years ago (different bank then the issuer), the funny thing was that there was some sort of issue with the machine and the keypad was defective or something because after I stupidly put my PIN in three times, someone walked back up and said that it had swallowed their card and even under my instance, the person behind me did the same thing (thinking I was just an idiot and couldn't remember my PIN).  I figured the machine was swallowing cards every few minutes for a while there.  Of course calling the bank led to "the card was destroyed".
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