The movers are coming to pack up our stuff tomorrow. Dh and I have been saying to each other, "I can't believe we're actually going" and just feeling really mixed emotions about it all. I don't feel completely sad yet, but I know I will. His family is coming to the airport Sat am to see us off and I know I am going to cry b/c I love his family and will miss them so much.
I came here thinking this was for good, or at least 5 yrs +, so leaving this soon is a bit of a shock, but I am looking forward to a few things that I have missed (mostly superficial things), like garbage disposals and the spray things on some sinks so you can clean your sink easier in the kitchen, mexican food, and being able to call and text my friends and family easier/cheaper.
Anyway, I wanted to say that i will continue to post on here and be a regular presence, however, my perspective will be different since I will be stateside again. Dh starts work on Jan 2nd, New Year, New Country, new life!!