Hi Kristina,
My vet is a local vet, albeit seemingly informed one, and the USDA vet in MA, the only one in MA I believe is a seperate vet altogether.
From the USDA perspective, the only thing they need to sign and seal, is that the animal has been micro-chipped, protected against rabies and the levels from Kansas state lab are good.
Again from the USDA perpective, the 'fit to fly' or general health certificate, is totally at the discretion of the airline, but, obviously, the 3 page European Union must have been signed off by them, whether or not the airline wants the 10 day.
So, I think 'Smootie' and I are going through the same procedure, wonder if it as you say differs at state level, either way, thats the story from USDA vet (here) and my own vet.
Once again, thanks to you and everybody else for the input.