I moved to Enland initially because the process was easier, I was up for the adventure of it, and my then-future-husband had a much better job than I did. I had more flexible circumstances, so over I came.
I'm now moving back to the US, with him, because of his job. His opportunities in his industry are light-years better in the States. He's worked there before and wanted to move to the US before he even met me (more than one joke has been made about me being his little green card), so it seems like the best place to be for our family since that's where he'll have the best job security & job.
We'd both be happy in either country, either country would make a great place to raise a family, both countries harbor people, places and family memebrs that we love - so for now we're going to where he's got the best opportunity to be a "family provider", and he's quite keen on the adventure of it all too... it's his turn.