HA!! Well, I find Jane Austin pretty boring, so right there I am sunk. I liked LotR but not the Hobbit. Hitchhikers I can live without, hmmmmm, maybe I should start a 100 I hate and you can add Dune to it and the Curious Incident.
Handmaid's Tale, I love that and that was one of the first that came to mind.
Working in a bookstore there are so many books that I would consider classics that aren't here in the UK. Not so much for adults, those are pretty much the same, but for kids and young adults.
Including anything by Shel Silverstein (you can get those but they are hard to find) Berenstein Bears, the Arthur books, Make Way for Ducklings, the Little Engine that Could. You can't really find any of those here.
For young adults, Jacob Have I Loved, From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, pretty much anything by Lois Lowry.
Also, speaking of books, I semi bitched at a customer today. It was upper class teenager and her mom and I had a copy of some crap First like magazine at the desk and the girl goes, "All these good books and you are reading First?" In a oh you stupid retail minimum wage slave voice. And I said, yeah I guess I have enough books at home, since I have a Masters in Library Science. But thanks. As if I could read a book anyway, with the 10 million interuptions a day.