We have early-onset Alzheimers in the family, or something else as well... they're not sure. One great-grandfather went down in his 30's and ended up in an insane asylum/prison.
Grandmother got it in her 50's, and was put in a home after trying to drive the wrong way on the highway. She was severely injured, but thankfully nobody else was. She had almost set the house on fire a number of times, so I think a home was the best choice.. Nobody could watch her 24 hrs. (She'd wake up at 3 am and start cooking... then wander away.)
At the home, sometimes she would recognise visitors, but it wasn't a good thing. At the point where she remembered who you were, she'd realise that she had forgotten loads of stuff. Then she would cry and get agitated.
Anyhow, this disease is horrible. It doesn't kill people... at least not quickly. Noni was in the home over 20 years. No advice here. I chose to stop visiting, some relatives continued. She was part of a UBC study on the disease, hope they get some useful results.
Suzanne, do what you think best.