For those of you who are on here and paranoid about whether your Vet in the states is complying with DEFRA requirements before you travel to the UK, Hooray for you and make sure you are a royal pain in the ass and get everything sorted out correctly.
I am not going to go into a long story, but basically I handed my vet in the states the DEFRA rules over six months before we moved to the UK, was reassured by the "experienced" vet that they would follow the DEFRA rules to the T and everything would be OK for our dog. WRONG! Not only was the vet an idiot but we're idiots for not double checking what they were doing. But, when you work 12 hours a day and barely have time to breathe, it's hard to not trust a vet that assures you they are the "best".
The lowdown in that we arrived in the UK two weeks ago and our dog is now sitting in six months of quarantine at a cost of about $2,500 pounds! The 5 or 6 step DEFRA process was screwed up by our vet and DEFRA had absolutely no sympathy-send your dog back or send her to quarantine. Trust me, we are so upset and saddened, that we have asked our lawyer in the states to sue our 10 yr vet!!!
Moral of the sotry-Do not put trust in your vet when it comes to the DEFRA rules. A lot of them are ignorant! Here is what the DEFRA agent told us at Gatwick: 5 dogs and 3 cats have been sent to quarantine in the last month alone because US vets messed up! Not a very good record for US vets!!!
Be very careful if you love your pet, we only hope our poor pooch will live through her harrowing experience with mad, barking dogs all over the place. She's already gotten sick, a yeast infection and is morosely sad when we come to visit. I would rather slit my wrist than look at her!
Hope this thread helps someone out there!