converting money from GBP to USD is definetly depressing... especially at the grocery store!
its even worse now, with the dollar being almost 1/2 GBP.
my other conversion-confusion is the temperature scale. my family always asks what the temps are here, and i have to convert it back to Fahrenheit so they don't think i live in the Arctic. "aaah... its a lovely 23 degrees here!"
it just sounds weird when you're from Wisconsin...
the UK seems to have their own system of measuring things here, and i find it difficult to get used to...
*your weight is always in "stones" instead of "pounds"
*measurements of food is usually in liters/millitres
*gasoline/petrol is in... um... liters or something
*speed limits and distances are miles, not the metric kilometers that you'd expect (thank goodness)
*temperatures are Centigrade, not Fahrenheit
*weights of some stuff is in kilos, too
i need to get one of those little hand-held computer thingies that do conversions for me... (as if i don't have enough stuff to worry about!