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Topic: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????  (Read 1213 times)

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Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« on: August 09, 2007, 11:48:50 AM »
Dh is doing training in Leeds at the moment and he is taking the train from York.  Yesterday, he got stopped entering York train station and searched under the Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44 (1&2).  Does anyone know anything about this?  Are they stopping other people at other train stations?  He had to give them personal information and we received a copy based on the search.  We aren't bothered, I was just curious if anyone else had heard of this going on currently.  I looked it up on-line last night just to get an idea of what it was about.  Dh got the impression that these are going on at other stations and it was just York's turn.   I just haven't heard anything about this before.  ???

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Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 12:50:47 PM »
I was also stopped and searched at Newcastle station the other week, under these anti-terror powers.

The officer was very pleasant and quite apologetic, and it didn't take more than 5 minutes, but I have to say that it was quite an odd experience.  I have always been relaxed about the introudction of these new powers, until it happened to me personally!

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Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2007, 01:42:11 PM »

guess it's one of those things where you dont think about it until it happens to you!

Overall, it's a very good thing - we know what a certain 'lot' are saying about the UK and everyone should remain on guard etc for anything out of the ordinary so as to prevent the attacks which are happening and being planned.

Y'day on the news, it was reported people are complaining airports and queueing times are increased too much so they're stressed out etc...

I don't know about them, but i'd much rather be delayed 3-6-9 hours for a flight rather than go through a more leisurely security procedure.

Airports obviously take much of the frustration for 'inconvenience' when it comes to security etc - but I think extra powers for police to stop and search is a good thing for anti terror reasons - we all know how the latest lot of idiots and waste's of space were 'apparently' normal people

However, it must be done properly, and not merely an excuse to stop and search people based on stereotypes and misconceptions.

the first time I landed in the US after sept 11th, I mentally prepared myself for a 'possible' security check and interrogation for being the colour of all the idiots/waste of spaces who attacked the WTC - and mentally prepared to maybe take some abuse or dirty looks by people in NYC etc.

I'm glad to say none of that occured - at all - but even if it did, I'd like to think I'd have told any officers after being let go that I think they were doing the right thing - just in case!

Another subsequent visit and on my check in on the flight back here, I did see one extraordinary incident at JFK involving special forces/FBI crawling through the luggage conveyor belts from check in apprehend a girl who pretty stupidly joked about needing to get on the flight asap and not becuase she had a bomb in her bag but for other reasons!!!

Cheers! stay vigilent everyone!  DtM! West London & Slough UK!

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Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2007, 04:46:39 PM »

Inteesting article in the Guardian today about the police invoking this section of the terrorism act to stop, search & detain peaceful protestors.

Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2007, 05:26:14 PM »
DH also said the police officer was very nice.  Thanks for the info Yorkshire/Virginia and Britwife.  The article was very interesting.  I wonder how that will work out.  And also, thanks for the perspective Dennis.  I just had not heard anything about this until dh came home on Wednesday. 

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Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2007, 06:34:56 PM »
One of Steve's work mates was stopped & searched on his way to work one day, coming into Leeds station.
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Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2007, 06:57:20 PM »
It is so wrong.

Do you really think random checks help or even work? Show me the money.

If I was a bomber, don't you think I would just trigger the device as soon as they called me for a search?

Sorry but I am so against these searches as they are so ineffective. I am especially annoyed when I keep hearing 'we won't let the terrorists change our way of life' and we turn around and do shite like this. You can bet the terrorist are quite happy knowing the disruption they are causing.

I think we should be proactive and quit being reactionists.

Still tired of coteries and bans. But hanging about anyway.

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Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2007, 08:36:57 PM »
It is so wrong.

Do you really think random checks help or even work? Show me the money.
Especially since the worst terrorists are the ones imposing these laws. It amazes me what fear can do to people

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Re: Terrorism Act 2000 Section 44(1&2)????
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2007, 09:34:40 AM »

The law gives police powers to: 

· Search people even if they do not have evidence to suspect them

· Hold people for up to a month without charge

And still there are those who wonder why some of us believe the U.K. is turning into a police state.   Powers to stop & search with absolutely no evidence of any wrong-doing?  Powers to detain a person for 28 days without charge?   That's what we associate with places like the old Iron Curtain countries.   Didn't they also use supposed "security of the state" excuses to stamp out peaceful protests against the government too?

Not satisfied with 28 days, some in government are now calling for this period to be extended to 90 days.   Couple that with the way that they're extending the definition of "terrorism" to include peaceful protesters (e.g. the young lady reading out the names of soldiers at the Cenotaph) and we're headed down the road to government tyranny.

As Bob said, if we allow the country to change to this extent, then the terrorists have won.
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