CA - depends on how long you plan to spend time away from USA, whether or not you sell your CA home, etc. Probably no more CA tax. But it's never that easy!
Issues of "domicile" come into play. The US definition is different than the CA definition, which in turn are both different from the UK definition; all in very subtle ways. Hint: You do NOT want to acquire a UK domicile if you can at all avoid it! UK domicile is determined by intent, intent can not be proven, so if you say you intend to return to the USA one day, then you are not UK domiciled.
If you ask for further clarification about US, UK, & CA residence/domicile over the internet, you will get (a) conflicting answers and (b) very, very conservative answers in an attempt (by the poster) to protect themselves from liability for false advise. It is best to have a quick chat with someone over the phone. Most accountants do not charge for a short introductory phone call.
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