Thanks for the empathy, everyone

I do realize that it's hard to make it. DF had a good talk with his mom last weekend about it, and she was sorely upset that she can't make it (financial reasons). His dad has been saying all along that it would be no trouble, but has come up with some "medical issues," which I understand would make someone not come--the thing is, though, DF knows for a fact that his father just traveled to China last week to visit with DF's stepmother's family, all whilst being "sick" (she is from China...DF has only met her once). Now, I know things can happen between then now, but his father is sort of a sketchy character sometimes, so who knows.
What we are trying to do, which was the plan from the beginning, is to have some sort of blessing ceremony and/or party in the UK once I get over there and settled in, for all of his family and friends that want to come here but can't make it. I also may pull in a favor from a family member on my side and have them videotape the wedding (something we weren't really planning on doing), so at least his parents and grandparents can share in the actual wedding day in a way.
We're working through it...only a month and a half to go! Who knows...maybe some people will make a change of plans between now and then. We're not holding our breath, of course, but could happen.