By the way, it's not considered polite to ask someone to throw a shower for you. That includes having your fiance ask, or hint. Since it's a gift-giving occasion, that's the same as asking people to buy you gifts which isn't nice. It's sweet that your fiance wants you to have a shower, but unfortunatly someone in your circle has to volunteer to throw it without prompting from either one of you.
Add me also to the number who'd like to see the showers go on their way. In this day and age, with weddings usually requiring additional expense of travel for guests, on top of the presents and other outlays, do we really need another gift-giving occasion? If the bride wants to have another excuse to spend time with relatives, she can always just have a dinner party or a luncheon. On the plus side, she can be the one to throw it instead of having someone do it for her and have it just as she likes. But then there will be no gifts: but that's not the point anyway, right?