I start getting "teary" a few days before having to say goodbye too...even though I try to talk myself out of it rationally! I do better at times...and many times I am only "sad" on the inside...but I find myself studying him so much more closely then...tracing his facial features etc...storing up for the "famine!"
He told me after our first visit that his "closing down" and becoming more business like during our goodbyes is the way he copes. He tends to talk about specifics, about the next visit, steps needed to take towards our goal of being together (forever!) etc. I have now come to appreciate his "solidness" at the airport...it is great to have him to cling to while I sob wildly against his chest!
We have fallen into a pattern sort of at the airport...we say all the emotional, heart-wrenching things and give eachother those last passionate kisses (which I later think I shouldn't be so "bold" at a public airport but at the time it seems as if we're the only two that exist), I cling to him while I sob and he stands there slowly rubbing my back, hair etc. whispering all these incredibly soothing and loving phrases, and once I stop I take a few minutes (let out those last few sobs) to just keep my ear pressed against his chest to hear his heart beating...I then look up and say "ok", smile, give a quick kiss and we both walk away. We had decided beforehand that we wouldn't look back, but he confessed to doing it once and I did a few trips back and I tell you it was sooooo much harder (sob factor on plane...boy I hate sobbing in front of others, I feel so sorry for them...I mean, I am discreet, but still!)
Anyway, I was going to start a thread but I will just add it here...I have had such a hard past few days with missing him. Out of the blue it is like WHAM and something makes my heart burst, throat constrict and eyes water. I don't know why it has been so hard lately...something in the air?! I am trying everything I know to cope and keep positive energy around. It is good to know you all know how I feel though. My friends and family here mean well, but if you haven't been through this before it is really hard to truly empathize.