Dearest Coach,
We stayed at the Millennium Hotel – right across the street (long funny story that I will share later). We joined the queue on the left hand side at about 7:45. A security chap came out and then created three queues – the left for American services (passport renewals, name change, etc) the middle one for immigrant visas with an appointment, and the one on the far right for all of the others. We were about 5th in line. We went through security, headed up the stairs, and gave the lady our appointment letter. She directed us to go back downstairs and buy the envelope for our documents to be mailed back to us. We headed back up stairs and waited for about 30 minutes for our name to be called. The lady asked for our forms (the one’s that needed to be signed in front of them) a copy of Kevin’s birth certificate, our marriage certificate, his passport, copies of my past 3 years tax returns, bank statement copies and that was it. We sat down again for about 40 minutes and waited to meet with another person. We were called up and the man reviewed the documents we gave the first lady and told Kevin that provided his doctors appointment was fine, “Welcome to America” – music to our ears.
We then walked over to the doctors – they did their thing in about 40 minutes and we were asked to return at 1:30 for the blood work results – which were fine.
So, mid May I’m going home!!!
There are a few other tid bits of information I will share later. But that is it in a nutshell!
Sarah, I can not thank you enough for all of your help and calming American voice! You truly have been a fantastic coach! And to NYSOM and John_Murry – thanks for sharing your stories too – it has all helped!!!