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Topic: mold  (Read 1499 times)

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« on: February 07, 2008, 05:58:57 PM »
Pregnant SIL, her 10 month old baby and her SO are privatley renting a flat. There is a serious mold problem. Its in the kitchen,bathroom and living room. It also grew all beside the wall next to the cot. When they moved the cot recently, they discovered it there. Apparently, the owners,painted the walls over the mold before they moved in and recently, it started to grow back/come through the paint
. They've talked to the landlord about it but they keep giving them the run around saying such and such will call you,such and such will come by,but it never happens. Also last week their boiler broke, the landlord again keeps giving them the runaround. They haven't had any hot water in over a week.
They are moving out next month as their lease is up. But I feel they must be entitled to something. Is there a law in the UK saying if the landlord/slumlord does not fix these problems they are entitled to not pay rent? 

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Re: mold
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 07:25:03 PM »
The mold problem sounds really bad and they should be careful especially as they have a baby as mold spores can cause an allergic reaction.

Don't know what the tenants rights are in this country but perhaps they can withhold their rent.

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Re: mold
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 07:40:55 PM »
I don't know about the legal part of it, but one way to get rid of it is get a spray bottle and mix 1/2 bleach 1/2 water and spray down wherever the mold is. BF has mold issues in his house and this seems to get rid of it every time. At one point he moved back some boxes in a closet he never uses and all 4 walls of it were covered in mold.
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Re: mold
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 07:51:03 PM »
Vinegar will get rid of mold too.  Otherwise.. wait on the experts.  I know our lease says the boiler is our responsibility if it needs fixing/replacing.  Ridiculous, but that's what we signed.

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Re: mold
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 10:06:26 PM »
I know our lease says the boiler is our responsibility if it needs fixing/replacing.  Ridiculous, but that's what we signed.

Our lease says the same. I was surprised and not happy about it but I really wanted the house.

We had a mold problem in the flat we just moved out of. I started getting a really bad cough where I wouldn't be able to stop until I vomited. It lasted for several months even after the doctor put me on antibiotics. I'm sure it was the mold because it stopped since I moved. Glad they are moving out. It can't be healthy for any of them, especially the baby.

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Re: mold
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 10:35:40 PM »
Vinegar will get rid of mold too. 

Full strength or diluted? Regular or white?

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Re: mold
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2008, 05:51:35 AM »
Straight vinegar, sprayed on.  Not sure what the difference is between white and regular.. I use 5% acetic acid on our tatami every now and then.  (If the house has been shut up for a while, mold grows.)  I've heard that tea tree oil is good.. but that stuff is expensive.

Mold needs water, something to eat, warmth and oxygen.  It dies without all of those things present,  but the only thing we can really try to take away is water.  Dehumidifiers/dry packs/keeping air flowing.. as tenants, those help.  It sounds like the house has problems that the owner should look at, though.

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Re: mold
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2008, 09:25:12 AM »
You can withhold rent only if:  you inform the landlord of the problem and if he does nothing, you can get it fixed, pay for it and inform the landlord that you will be withholding rent for that expense.    You must inform the landlord that that is what you are doing though.  You can't just withhold the rent.   
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