paul- who fits extractor fans? electrician?
You would need a qualified electrician to do it. Might be helpful to ask the plumber if he knows someone. They sometimes work together on bigger jobs ie where a whole bathroom needs doing.
This is one of those things where there's a crossover of labor, and it can depend to some extent upon the type of fan installation, for which you have several options:
1. The method Dennis described; the fan fits directly through a hole in a window.
2. The fan is located against an outside wall, with a very short duct passed horizontally through the wall to a grille on the outside wall.
3. A ceiling fan which is then ducted either through a roof vent or to a grille in the soffit. The fan may be part of a unit which fits into the ceiling or it may actually be located in the attic with another short length of duct to the inlet grille. In a two-story house you could also have a ceiling fan in a downstairs room which is vented to a grille on an outside wall by a duct run in the void between floors.
Personally, brick and tilework is not my strength at all, so I find that anything which involves a roof vent or making 6-inch holes through brick walls it's easier to simply sub-contract that part of the job to one of the local builders, where it will probably only take him an hour and I can be getting the wiring ready while he's making good. Also, if drilling a large hole through the wall results in chunks of brickwork falling out (as sometimes happens in old places), he's much more skilled at repairing the damage. Cutting holes in the ceiling and soffit for a ducted fan is much easier, so I'll do those myself.
paul- who fits extractor fans? electrician? how do you size the correct one? (this is really something that i should have done when the bathroom was completely torn apart 8 months ago, right?)
It would have been easier to do it then, but it's not the end of the world. You might have to touch up the paintwork or accept some small white trunking running down the wall for a cable though, if you don't want to start ripping off tiles again to bury everything.
As for sizing, here's a calculator which will provide you with some recommended minimums for a given type and size of room: tend to be a little liberal with flow estimates though. It's better to slightly oversize than to do all the work and then find that the fan you installed really isn't up to the job.