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Topic: Iceland Air = Disappointment  (Read 1655 times)

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Iceland Air = Disappointment
« on: March 22, 2004, 09:34:08 PM »

Just got back from Scotland last night, and I'll just say that I will not be using Iceland Air again (unless I have some sudden urge to go there for a vacation).  First of all, the flights either boarded really late or really early...so don't count on the boarding times.  I realize that is a problem for most airlines, so I'll cut them some slack on that one.  

You have cramped seats, no heating to speak of, and I asked repeatedly for blankets and pillows to no avail.  Apparently they didn't have enough blankets on the flight for everyone.  It's basically the RyanAir of transatlantic flights.  Personally for RyanAir levels of service, I would like a much lower price tag. :(  You have to pay for all beverages other than tea, coffee, and water.  I personally think that if I'm paying close to $800 for a flight, I should be able to get a Diet Pepsi for free, but maybe that's just me.  Oh, and you only get offered drinks once, maybe twice on a 5 hour trip.  Hmm....not too impressive.

Then there's the entertainment, or shall I say lack thereof.  You get a couple of screens for the whole plane, which is ok, but the movies they showed were a joke.  On the way to Iceland they had "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" as the selected entertainment...nice movie, too bad it's about 2 or 3 years old.  On the way back to the States, they showed "Shattered Glass" a made for tv movie about that journalist Steven Glass who made up stories at the New Republic magazine.  Hmm...kind of disappointing.

If you want to use the bathroom, good luck.  They have one toilet for the whole of the main cabin area.  I'm not even sure if business class had their own or not.  Business class got a whole lot of extra perks, so maybe it would be worth upgrading...I dunno.

The airport in Rekyavik is also not the best place to have a four hour layover.  All the shops are closed most of the time (unless a plane has just landed) and they only have a small coffee restaurant thingy which is also only open when a plane lands.  Now, I had four hour layover yesterday with nothing to do.  I sat quietly in the waiting area doing crosswords, reading, and listening to my cds.  Never bothered anyone, didn't do anything suspicious.  I was asked by a *different* security guard every 20-30 minutes about why I was there, where I had come from, where I was going to, etc.  Well, last time I checked there wasn't a whole lot of anything else to do, so I was just sitting there.  I was actually approached by a group of 3 guards only 5-10 minutes after being asked by another guard.  I know they're just doing their job, but for pete's sake.

Ok, I'm gonna stop complaining for just now...just thought you might want to know, as some of you were thinking about using their services. :-/

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Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2004, 09:43:50 PM »
Definitely doesn't sound like a pleasant experience.  :-/  It's probably also the last thing you wanted when you desperately didn't want to be going home either!  

That seems extremely expensive for such poor service.  Were you forced to fly with them?  I don't know what other options are available in your area, but that really is a high price to pay for off-season.  My non-stop BA flights in off-season from Phoenix to London are usually around $500!

Sean and I are probably visiting Iceland later this year.. at least now I know to dress in layers on the flight and bring my own entertainment.  

Better luck next time, and thanks for the heads-up. :)

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Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2004, 09:56:04 PM »
Well, the price was a bit high because I booked in January, and usually I book earlier than that but it was kind of decided close to the date that I would indeed spend my spring break there.  Part of the higher cost is that I don't live in a major hub area.  If I lived on the East Coast (and for whatever reason the West Coast is also a lot cheaper) I would be able to book dirt cheap flights on a regular basis.  Guess that's what I get for living in the Midwest.  Sure, I'm somewhat near Chicago, but I've got to get a flight there and that's always pricey.  Also, I'm flying to Scotland, not to London, and that adds up the price of the flight.  

Yeah it was kind of a high price, but they were the cheapest left...so I went with them.  Oh another crap thing about them is they raised their price for the ticket $150 in a two hour time period.  I bookmarked the price...went to dinner, decided I would book it even though it was pricey, and they upped the price.  ARGH!

Iceland itself looks pretty nice and fun to visit, but unfortunately you'll have to use their sh*te service to get there. ;)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2004, 09:58:56 PM by Krissybelle_99 »

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Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2004, 10:21:18 PM »
Thanks for posting this , Krissybelle ... at least it sounds like you had a good time whilst in Scotland  ;)

I've often wondered about seeing Iceland and doing it as part of a trip to / from the USA .... but I much prefer direct flights if possible.  I think after reading your report, I'll only go for Iceland Air if I do actually want to stop in Iceland for a few days on the way.

I flew Gatwick to Minneapolis (and on to Denver) and back - return flight 268 pounds including tax in late January, booked 3 days before I flew with North West.  Perhaps next time you might do better to change at Gatwick than Rekyavik - just a thought!
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Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2004, 02:18:58 AM »
Yeah I found great priced flights from Minneapolis, but then again I'm too far away to reasonably drive to Minneapolis for a flight, so have to get a connecting flight from Southeast Wisconsin to Minneapolis and then onward.  I LOVE Northwest Airlines for international flights, but their main hubs in the northern Midwest are in Minneapolis and Detroit...sigh.

It was more out of a need to get a flight out of my local airport that I went for the Iceland Air flights.  I usually get better rates, but such is life.  I'm not going to beat myself up over the crappy rate as I had a wonderful, wonderful time, and the ticket was worth every single penny.  Looking for some better fares for the summer though. ;D

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Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2004, 12:30:41 AM »
I just flew with Iceland air also. Minneaplois to Heathrow via Rekjavik. We flew back to the States March 20th - same time as you Krissy.

Anywy i have to agree - Iceland Air is crap. There seemed to be a lot of students on both trips which lead me to beleive that it is a cheaper airline. I ended up paying $1400 for myself and 2 children to fly which was the cheapest I could find from MSP to London.

I aksed for kids meals and they gave my kids Lasange!! - which was awful! We had the same movies and I was astonished when I was told I had to pay for apple juice! Having a 2 hour lay over at Rekjavik with 2 little kids was difficult. What was even worse was the return trip where we took off a little late and only had 10 minutes to get off one place and get on the next one!

That was a great price you were given on Northwest Graham. I do prefer NW to fly with out of MSP but with 2 children I thought I was doing the best thing getting the less expensive tickets.

I'll never fly Iceland Air again!!  :(

Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2004, 01:31:59 PM »
KLM is good for flying into Scotland. That's what l took both times when l went there. But l was flying out of Chicago too so that might not do.

American Airlines has a direct flight from the states to Glasgow during the months of May-Nov.

l'm hoping when l ever get to go back, l can get AA through Dublin.

Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2004, 06:39:32 PM »

I am very surprised that you didn't enjoy Icelandair. Here in Minneapolis (Did you fly out from that airport by any chance?) it's a common means of travelling to the UK. I almost booked a flight on such a jet but Air Canada was cheaper.

I totally understand your gripe about seating and heating arrangements but the inflight movie wasn't thaaaaaaat bad ::) Lol at least you didn't watch a real gem like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" or "Gigli." I always like to bring a portable CD player with me, some books and maybe even my rosary lol!  ;D

The worst flight I was ever on was American Airlines from Chicago to San Francisco---it wasn't the 6 hour flight but rather being a jumbo jet with seats at least seven accrossed and being in the middle of that.

I am curious, did you get to see any of Reykjavik? (Any windows in the airport!) I am not too interested in travelling to many parts of Europe but Iceland is a such place I really really want to see. It's a volcanic hot spot...I definately want to go the Blue Lagoon.


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Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2004, 06:51:39 PM »
Thought I'd chime in on the Icelandair thing... I used to fly them quite a bit from Baltimore to Heathrow and never had a problem. The food is a bit icky but it is on most airlines. I actually liked the quiet, small airport and am surprised about the security guards. I didn't find the seats that much more cramped than any other economy seating. I've never had to pay for drinks! Wonder if this is a new policy. Last time I flew them was, I think, September.

Unfortunately you don't see much of the city from the airport but you do get some nice views when flying over the country if th weather is good.
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Re: Iceland Air = Disappointment
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2004, 07:15:27 PM »
I totally understand your gripe about seating and heating arrangements but the inflight movie wasn't thaaaaaaat bad ::) Lol at least you didn't watch a real gem like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" or "Gigli." I always like to bring a portable CD player with me, some books and maybe even my rosary lol!  ;D

I am curious, did you get to see any of Reykjavik? (Any windows in the airport!) I am not too interested in travelling to many parts of Europe but Iceland is a such place I really really want to see. It's a volcanic hot spot...I definately want to go the Blue Lagoon.


Samantha*** :)

Well, I guess that depends on what you think you should get out of a ticket that cost nearly $800.  I expect to get at least one decent movie or at least have screens you can see.  I have had other bad experiences with entertainment on flights, but I have had much less expensive flights on other airlines where I got free drinks AND a very good assortment of entertainment.  I only flew them because my choices were limited in flights out of Milwaukee.

I'm sure Iceland is a really cool place to visit, so hope you get a chance to.  I would like to spend some time in the actual cities (just cause I don't care for the airport doesn't mean that I don't like the country...hehe...there are bad travel experiences in every country).   

Not sure about the drinks thing, maybe it's a newer policy.  The airport is ok as long as you're not spending more than an hour or so there.  I travel frequently (and by myself) and it's always much nicer to have places to get up and walk around to help keep you entertained.  Or to have a place to eat if you're hungry. 

Hey try it out for yourself and see what you think.  Maybe I just strange experiences, or I've just been pampered by the other airlines...not sure. :-\

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