Man on the Train.
The soundtrack gets you right away. A brilliant guitar riff major - flat - minor - major - minor - major. And they keep coming back to it as a leitmotif. It's comingled with a piano melody by Shubert(?). Now how did they do that?
Donald Sutherland. Probably lots of people are too young to remember his prime years, like the Dirty Dozen, but this fellow is a pro and he can ACT. And he pulls it off brilliantly. You can't go to a movie with Donald Sutherland and be disappointed.
The Man. A cool guy along the lines of Snake Pliskin. He doesn't have to act as long as he's cool.
The plot. *VERY* improbable. But who cares.
The theme. Two losers, along the lines of Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, quite possibly queer, from different backgrounds and social standing. Two losers get bonded. Then, in their separate ways, they die. It's inevitable but emotional nonetheless.
Net net. The soundtrack and Sutherland's virtuoso performance pull it off. And it's brilliant.