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Topic: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.  (Read 1300 times)

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What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:29:09 PM »
I started last week by going to Costco and only buying £5 of gas at a time. That lasts me for a week. If I was to fill up then my mileage would go down from all the extra weight I would be hauling. Also, the cost of petrol is going down almost every day so why buy high? (remember I'm an accountant 24 hours a day).
Does anyone keep track of the pound? $1.947 right now. :D

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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 09:37:30 PM »
I've definately had to cut back on my driving, but also on extras. I don't go shopping unless I really need something and I don't eat out nearly as much as before.
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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2008, 08:26:00 AM »
I walk to work in the morning instead of getting the bus and am buying a lot more off brand food stuffs.  Also I may as well be vegetarian now because I just can't afford to buy meat anymore.   ;D

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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2008, 03:02:37 PM »
With baby on the way we've been using a whole lot of vouchers from various companies and markets to lessen the bills. We've worked out a budget that's really strict and have managed to keep to it. We're not travelling as much in the car since I'm the only driver and I can't manage to drive long distances with the belly, so we've managed to save on the fuel costs. It's just pinching what pennies we have and accounting for everything we spend.

I keep an eye on the dollar and it was $1.86 when I did an overseas transaction :( When I had checked it that day it was $1.92 but by the time it showed up it had gone down! Rubbish!

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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 03:07:43 PM »
We already live pretty lean-ly anyway, but we're buying bulk whole foods a lot more to avoid trips to the store (when we inevitably buy more than we went in for!). And I'm trying to cut down our meat consumption to just a few times a week instead of every night, but that's a bit contentious with my fiance at the minute...  :P

But we don't have a car and I walk to work so at least our transport costs are low!
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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 03:17:22 PM »
Im just taking advantage of the crap US economy using the high exchange rates and my falling variable loan interest rate to throw as much money at my student loans as possible-- which means less nights out, less buying pretty frocks and less booze on the weekends. How fun  :(

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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2008, 03:27:43 PM »
Planning out a weeks worth of meals in advance, and grocery shopping online once a week.  The £4 delivery fee is much lower than the cost of our impulse buys!  Also I have been cleaning out my pantry and planning meals around what is already in there.

That and I am also bringing a large empty suitcase back to the states next week...

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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2008, 03:41:56 PM »
Not especially because of economic slowdown, but because we have forked out some serious dosh in the last year for work on our house...sadly, I think our jet-setting, globe-trotting lifestyle is going to be seriously curtailed for awhile so we can build up our savings again.  And if you know how we love our travels...   :\\\'(

Looks like we're going to have to get stuck in at home - but at least the roof won't be leaking anymore! :)
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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2008, 04:04:45 PM »
My Hubby's an accountant too...fun times lol All I hear about sometimes is money and economy!

We do off brands, at the end of food shopping look what's in the cart and assess if we really need it,  if it's on sale and we use it stock up, barely go out only to things we need to do, make really cheap meals like wheat pasta and veggies, stir fry veggies and kidney beans lol, pack lunches, etc.

We do the best we can, but it never seems enough :/ :P

I can't wait to go Stateside and pack a suitcase full of stuff :D :D :D

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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2008, 04:30:06 PM »
I have always lived frugally, always been a saver in good economic times or bad, I never paid much attention to the economy anyway.  When I've wanted or needed more money I just worked more if I could. 
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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2008, 04:46:28 PM »
I have always lived frugally, always been a saver in good economic times or bad, I never paid much attention to the economy anyway.

I am the same. I have to pay attention to the economy because it's my job, but I have enough savings and I'm not a huge spender so when bad times come around, I have enough to get by as I always do until good times come around.  I haven't had to cut back on anything. When economic times are good, I don't spend much more money, I just put the extra money away.

I am going on a very expensive holiday this year, which is a once in a lifetime thing for me, but it is all paid for already and any additional expenses will be paid for immediately out of my savings, as they come up, so at the  end I won't owe anybody anything.

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Re: What changes are you making during this economic slow down.
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2008, 06:59:48 PM »
Looks like a good topic to update. We're still stateside, preparing for a Feb. 2009 departure to the UK, but here goes:

1) Planning and combining errands so as to drive as little as possible (no public transport here in the suburbs and nothing much in walking distance. Can't wait for corner shops!)

2) Grocery shopping once a month and buying in bulk with coupons and taking advantage of loss-leaders and "manager's specials". Cuts out the impulse buying and forces sensible meal-planning.

3) Cut down on the dry cleaning and using the washer/dryer on off-peak hours. Drastically curtailed dining out from 3 times weekly to 3 times monthly at most. (Wasn't nearly as difficult as we thought it'd be.

4) Cancelled the Blockbuster/Netflix services and rent movies, CDs and books on tape from the library. What a treasure trove! Plus there's so much on TIVO (think Sky+) that we rarely get to watch anyway. Also we cut out cinemas entirely.

5) Redid our satellite tele subscription eliminating channels we never watch anyway.

6) Grilling lots of dinners in the back garden instead of using the cooktop and ovens. (Heats of the kitchen and makes the A/C work harder.) Plus we eat healthier this way for some reason...hmmm.

7) Using the dishwasher only once or twice a week instead of every other day. And jamming it full the the gills.

8) Doing my own mani-pedis (only until we move) which cuts out about $60 every 2-3 weeks.

9) Raised the insurance deductible on both vehicles and saved about $84 a month.

10) Raised the deductible on the medical insurance and request only generic drugs.

11) Trade off pot-luck dinner with friends (do they have that in the UK? Everybody bring a dish thingee? Cuts down on cooking/food bills. Plus it's fun.)

12) DH does the car oil changes and tyre rotation. We wash both cars at home no more than twice a month now, instead of the once weekly professional car washes at $16 a pop.

13) Cancelled the fitness membership at $100 a month and use the public recreation centers at $70 a year!

14) Turned off the gas pilot for the fireplace and won't be using it in winter either.

15) Turned the programmable thermostats up to 82F in Summer (Used to run it at 76F) and down to 68F in winter (used to run it at about 78F) and dress in layers, even at home.

16) No new cars, as both will be sold soon when we leave (normally would have already purchased two new ones a year ago.)

17) Just saying to "no" to time-consuming, money-robbing "would you pleases" (Girlscout cookies, arts fundraisers, political fundraisers, send-your-neighbor's-kid-to-camp, baby showers for people I never even heard of before I got the invitation and registry in the mail, etc.

18) No vacation/holidays this entire year at all. (Don't miss it really as this move is thrilling enough. Plus my mother-in-law has taken a mood with me now that I'm taking her "baby" away to the old country forever.)

19) Redid the T-Mobile cell phones from total 3200 minutes to 750 with mobile-to-mobile between me and DH free. (That's what we use most of the minutes for anyway.) Saved about $70 a month.

20) Rediscovering my knitting and sewing skills. I do all the clothing repairs now instead of forking over money to the dry cleaners for it.

21) Used 0% balance transfer offers to pay off higher interest cards and put the difference into savings. By the time the rate resets we'll be in London Town where upon, I'll use the exchange rate advantage to attack that last balance like it stole something!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 07:01:48 PM by LadyAnglesey »

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