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Topic: Moving back to the US - customs forms help please!  (Read 4785 times)

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Moving back to the US - customs forms help please!
« on: May 20, 2004, 04:39:40 PM »
Hi all!  Hubby and I are moving back to the States next week   :( and the movers have sent us some horrible looking customs form that I have to fill out.  They are telling us that I need to list EACH item being shipped, the date purchased and the price paid.  This is for EVERYTHING, including things that we came here with (like every pair of jeans, piece of underwear, everything).  Now, I don't even know how to begin filling out such a thing.  I honestly don't have the time or inclination to do it.  Has anyone dealt with this beast of a form before?  It's customs form 3299, btw.


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Re: Moving back to the US - customs forms help please!
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2004, 02:04:53 AM »

I have a filled out example form in a book I got from Sterling. If youre talking about Part IV Section D List of Articles you should put down "B8 -  All over one year old - see attached packing list. " Your shipper should provide you with a packing list that they make on the day the pack you all up. Make sure to call them and make sure they're going to do this for you - its THEIR JOB. Not yours.

B8 signifies the box you should check in section IV A/B/C - check B8 "Foreign household effects aquired abroad and used more than one year."

Unless youre carrying reciepts in your shipment or leave tags on items, generally a customs officer (if inspecting your shipment) cannot tell what was purchased over a year ago and what was purchased last month. Unless youre particularly worried about a specific something, than dont bother declaring the items you have that are less than a year old. Why pay duty when you dont have to, right? Of course, if youre conserned about doing that - consult your mover :)

Here's the instruction bit from the above mentioned book. Hope it helps.


Completing your US Customs Form C3299

Important: Complete a C3299 and a Supplemental Form for each shipment (i.e., for sea and for air).

Part One

1.   Print your full name as it appears in your passport
2.   Enter your date of birth
3.   This is the date that you will personally arrive in the US (not your shipments arrival date)
4.   Your US address and telephone number
5.   The US airport at which you will be arriving.
6.   The airline and flight number on which you will travel to the US
7.   Names of family members who will accompany you and their relationship to you.
8.   This section will be completed by your shipper.

Part Two

9.   Tick the appropriate box and indicate which country you have lived in and for how long

9c. Tick the appropriate box (non us citizen should note that “visiting the us” includes any one without full residency status irrespective of how long you will be living there.

10.   tick each box that applies to your shipment

NB. You do NOT have to supply a packing list as this should be supplied for you. Consult your shipper to make sure.

•   If you are a non-resident include your passport number, visa number and the type of visa on which you are entering the USA
•   If you are a returning US resident, enter your social security number and passport number

Part Three

Leave blank as this applies only to US government personnel.

Part Four

Tick any boxes that apply to your shipment. On the reverse Section D is provides so that you may specify any items that you wish to declare (i.e., if you ticked any boxes in Part IV other than question 8 or 10 you are to specify the items and you will be charged duty on them).

If you declare any items you should give the date of purchase of each item and cost in US$. Any alcohol declared should include a list of: type, number of bottles, size, value per bottle and alcoholic content or proofage.

If you have nothing to declare tick only B8. Then overleaf in section D write “See Attached Packing List” – all of which has been owned and used by me for over one year.

Part Five

Should be left blank - your shipper will fill this out on arrival of the shipment.

Part Six

1.   Mark an X in section B (as Importer)
2.   Give your complete signature
3.   Put in today’s date.

The supplemental declaration form

Returning Resident – Citizen of the US or persons who formerly resided in the US

Non Resident – Those who do not meet the above requirements or a resident of the US who is returning only for a short time before returning abroad.

Foreign – Non American

Importer – Yourself

Household Effects – Furniture and household goods not covered under “personal effects”

Personal Effects – Clothing, jewellery, cameras, stereos, vehicles, and other personal items.


If you have any questions be sure and ask your mover. Youre paying them for a service and by god they should serve.

Heres some other customs info from the same book, just incase your mover didnt provide you with something simmilar.


Me (US/UK), DH (UK/US), DD (US/UK)
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Re: Moving back to the US - customs forms help please!
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2004, 02:05:21 AM »
Items to avoid moving to the US

The following items should generally be excluded from your shipment so as to avoid problems with customs or insurance cover:

•   Any inflammable or corrosive items
•   Foodstuffs (unless dried or canned)
•   Guns and/or ammunition (import permit approved by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms required and restrictions may apply)
•   Jewellery, cash or other valuables
•   Narcotics, medicines, or drugs unless a doctors prescription is provided
•   Plants
•   Products made of Ivory, crocodile or alligator (prohibited)
•   Stamp or coin collections of high value
•   Switchblade knives (prohibited)
•   Tobacco (duties and restrictions may apply)
•   Wines and Sprits (duties and restrictions may apply)
•   Take only new, sealed computer ink-jet cartridges. Old ones may leak.

Wines & Spirits

Please be advised that all wines and spirits included in an unaccompanied shipment are subject to the payment of duties and taxes. There is no duty-free entitlement for an unaccompanied shipment.

US Customs Regulations

The following is provided as a general guide to US customs regulations. While the information has been gathered from reliable sources, it should not be considered absolute. These regulations are subject to change at any time, and customs procedures may vary from port to port.

Required US Customs Documents

•   US Customs Form C3299
•   US Customs Service Supplemental Declaration Form
•   Power of Attorney Form
•   * A photocopy of your passport including photograph
•   An original ocean bill of landing or airway bill (provided by shipper)
•   Packing Inventory (provided by shipper)

* Recently there have been occasions where Customs has insisted upon obtaining a photocopy of the shipper’s passport in order to affect clearance of goods. Please submit a copy in order to avoid any possible hassle at clearance.

•   Household and personal effects that you have owned and used abroad for one year can be imported duty free. Any items that have been purchased in the last 12 months should be declared on the back of from C3299. They will then be assessed for duty by US Customs.

US Customs will generally not clear your effects until you have arrived in the USA. Therefore, it is vital that you make your shipper aware of your travel plans.

Since June 6 1995, absolutely no Iranian articles have been allowed into the US with the following exceptions which were authorised in April 2000.
1.   Gifts valued at $100 or less
2.   Information or informational material (includes publications, films, posters, phonograph records, photographs, microfilms, microfiches, tapes, CDs, CD ROMs, and artworks, although certain Commerce Department restrictions still apply to some of these materials.
3.   Food Products such as dried fruits, nuts and caviar intended for human consumption
4.   Carpets and other textile floor coverings and carpets used as wall hangings.
It does not matter if the article has been in the family for years. Even if the article was shipped outside the US and is being returned, it will not be allowed back into the states.

Wedding Gifts

If you are shipping wedding gifts to the states, you should list all the gifts on the back of Form 3299. There are no special exemptions for wedding gifts, and the duties will vary depending on the type of gift. Usually, the duty rates range from 10-15% of the value of the shipment.


You should try to avoid moving any alcohol at all within your shipment, as it tends to invite a physical inspection by customs (involving unnecessary handling). Should you still wish to import alcohol, your shipper must have a detailed list indicating the type of wine/spirit, bottle size, and alcoholic content prior to the move. The permit from both the state and federal governments can be obtained pre-arrival, thus eliminating customs delays and/or examination.

Please note that regulations for the importation of alcohol vary from state to state. For example, some states are “dry”. That is, no alcoholic products are allowed importation. Even if your shipment transits through a dry state, no alcohol can be included. Other ports such as Houston limit the types of alcohol that may be imported, eg Houston only allows the importation of wine for personal use (no hard alcohol and beer may be imported). Illinois does not permit the importation of any hard liquor or beer. Wine importation is limited to 18 litres.

The importation of alcohol will also involve the payment of federal and state duties and taxes. Each state’s regulations vary regarding the importation of wine and spirits. Generally, the importation of alcohol in excess of one gallon per person will be subject to state taxes.

Your shipper can advise you on the relevant information regarding your particular destination or you may talk to the appropriate state’s BARF. You may also write to the Distilled Spirits Council of the USA, 1300 Pennsylvania Building, Washington, DC 20004.


If your import tobacco into the USA you may be subject to payment of state and/or local taxes. Certain states will allow the entry of a certain quantity, but excess of the limits may be dutiable. Again, check with your particular state’s BATF or contact your shipper.


The importation of firearms or ammunition into the USA is carefully restricted. Each individual state has its own regulations, and some states limit or prohibit importation.

In almost every importation of firearms and ammunition (US Citizens and non US Citizens), an approved ATF Form 6 is required. Only of the shipper can provide definite proof (i.e. a certificate of registration – Customs form 4455) that he/she exported the gun from the US, then he/she does not to complete ATF Form 6. If required, the ATF 6 application from should be submitted at least 60 days prior to importation to allow processing. Generally you cannot import firearms directly; instead you may be able to import them through a licensed firearms dealer in your new state of residence.

(Sarah’s Note: Swords of any kind are not regulated and you are free to include them in your shipment without hassle or declaration).

Outdoor Items

There are occasions when US customs/ Department of Agriculture examines outdoor items (including bikes, lawnmowers, garden pots) to ensure they are clean. Though this is not always an issue with customs, please be aware that the inclusion of such items may cause delay. In particular, the inclusion of bikes in air shipment s could cause delay due to inspection for soil on tyres.

US Customs Formalities

Upon arrival in the USA, please contact your shipper as soon as possible. The shipper will keep you posted on developments and may need additional information to affect clearance.

Depending on the port and individual customs officers involved, customs clearance can take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks, so please be patient during this process. As soon as the shipper has cleared the effects they will contact you to arrange delivery.


Hope youre move is a smooth one!
Me (US/UK), DH (UK/US), DD (US/UK)
US > UK (2001, 3 years) > US (2004, 16 years) > UK (coming soon)

Specialist in UK > US Immigration via Direct Consular Filing (DCF), Founder of Dive Into America (2003-2020)

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Re: Moving back to the US - customs forms help please!
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2004, 03:06:53 PM »
Thanks so much for that!  Those instructions are much clearer than what our mover gave us.  That is a real help!   [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

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