I have a filled out example form in a book I got from Sterling. If youre talking about Part IV Section D List of Articles you should put down "B8 - All over one year old - see attached packing list. " Your shipper should provide you with a packing list that they make on the day the pack you all up. Make sure to call them and make sure they're going to do this for you - its THEIR JOB. Not yours.
B8 signifies the box you should check in section IV A/B/C - check B8 "Foreign household effects aquired abroad and used more than one year."
Unless youre carrying reciepts in your shipment or leave tags on items, generally a customs officer (if inspecting your shipment) cannot tell what was purchased over a year ago and what was purchased last month. Unless youre particularly worried about a specific something, than dont bother declaring the items you have that are less than a year old. Why pay duty when you dont have to, right? Of course, if youre conserned about doing that - consult your mover 
Here's the instruction bit from the above mentioned book. Hope it helps.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Completing your US Customs Form C3299
Important: Complete a C3299 and a Supplemental Form for each shipment (i.e., for sea and for air).
Part One
1. Print your full name as it appears in your passport
2. Enter your date of birth
3. This is the date that you will personally arrive in the US (not your shipments arrival date)
4. Your US address and telephone number
5. The US airport at which you will be arriving.
6. The airline and flight number on which you will travel to the US
7. Names of family members who will accompany you and their relationship to you.
8. This section will be completed by your shipper.
Part Two
9. Tick the appropriate box and indicate which country you have lived in and for how long
9c. Tick the appropriate box (non us citizen should note that “visiting the us” includes any one without full residency status irrespective of how long you will be living there.
10. tick each box that applies to your shipment
NB. You do NOT have to supply a packing list as this should be supplied for you. Consult your shipper to make sure.
• If you are a non-resident include your passport number, visa number and the type of visa on which you are entering the USA
• If you are a returning US resident, enter your social security number and passport number
Part Three
Leave blank as this applies only to US government personnel.
Part Four
Tick any boxes that apply to your shipment. On the reverse Section D is provides so that you may specify any items that you wish to declare (i.e., if you ticked any boxes in Part IV other than question 8 or 10 you are to specify the items and you will be charged duty on them).
If you declare any items you should give the date of purchase of each item and cost in US$. Any alcohol declared should include a list of: type, number of bottles, size, value per bottle and alcoholic content or proofage.
If you have nothing to declare tick only B8. Then overleaf in section D write “See Attached Packing List” – all of which has been owned and used by me for over one year.
Part Five
Should be left blank - your shipper will fill this out on arrival of the shipment.
Part Six
1. Mark an X in section B (as Importer)
2. Give your complete signature
3. Put in today’s date.
The supplemental declaration form
Returning Resident – Citizen of the US or persons who formerly resided in the US
Non Resident – Those who do not meet the above requirements or a resident of the US who is returning only for a short time before returning abroad.
Foreign – Non American
Importer – Yourself
Household Effects – Furniture and household goods not covered under “personal effects”
Personal Effects – Clothing, jewellery, cameras, stereos, vehicles, and other personal items.
If you have any questions be sure and ask your mover. Youre paying them for a service and by god they should serve.
Heres some other customs info from the same book, just incase your mover didnt provide you with something simmilar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------