In both the training DVDs and the actual test there is no feedback on why you got a particular score on a particular scene (in the actual test you don't even know what points you got on what scene; only that you got 2 1s, 2 5s, 3 4s, etc.), so you can't even try to improve based on your previous performance.
Anyway, rant over and I feel your pain. 
This is true for the actual test - you won't know how you're doing until after. But to prepare for the test I used this dvd (
). It has over 400 practice videos, I basically did 40'ish videos to get an idea as to what they're looking for. You also get to review your performance after each clip so it certainly helped. It took me a while to get the hang of it, but once I was clear what they were looking for, it was quite easy. Simply, they focus on "moving" hazards and not on stationary hazards...
For theory test I used this (
) -- the questions on the test are *exactly* the same from this book, word for word - I finished this part of the test in 13 minutes out of the alloted 57 mins!)
Both these combined helped me score a 50 on theory (minimum required: 43 out of a possible 50) and a 62 on hazard perception (minimum required: 44 out of a possible 75)