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Topic: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...  (Read 1211 times)

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Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« on: October 10, 2008, 01:50:24 AM »
I know I am probably being impatient, but I'm sure you can understand that my whole life is on hold.

I sent my EC docs on Friday visa UPS and they were received on Monday early AM. I made a HUGE mistake sending it UPS - the school I will be working for told me to send it via "courier" to rush the documents as they need me here asap. Well...I hadn't been to this forum yet and I had NO IDEA what they meant (I thought they just not to use the regular mail system).

Well....it is now Thursday and I have gotten no answer. The e-mail I got said 3 days and now that that timeline has come and gone...I am getting worried.

This has been a harrowing experience for me. And much like most of you, my whole life is on hold and I am constantly worried that I have made a mess of my application or something. Everyone keeps telling me that work permit ECs are extremely easy to get comparatively.

I just have no faith in my skills that I have done this correctly and I am honestly on the verge of tears just about every minute of the day. My BF lives in the UK and is packed up and ready to move in with me and everyone around me is just "waiting" for my news.

Anyhow....how long is normal? Is it normal to go past that 3 days quoted? I called the expensive $12 line today and all they could tell me is that the Chicago office is not currently reporting any delays and that most applications are reviewed within 24 hours.

So please let me know if I am keeping myself up nights for no reason.


BTW...here is the list of what I sent (in a binder in clear plastic sleeves)...

Biometric data sheet (stamped)
My Passport
A certified copy of my old passport & social security card (wasn't sure what they meant by proof of citizenship).
Certified copy of marriage certificate
Certified copy of divorce decree
Letter from my ex stating I am current on child support payments (just in case).
Bank statements from both my banks for 3 months (I do online banking, so I got each page signed by the bank manager and a letter from the bank manager on letterhead) --My bank balance was $3800
Notarized letter from my mother stating that the $1500 deposit I made a month ago was disbursement from my grandmother's will)
Copy of grandmother's will.
An original of my tenancy agreement (made them provide me with an original - they kept the second original) for a shortterm stay housing company (100 GPB per week)
Copy of car title and lein release and a kelley bluebook valuation report.
My teaching license
My Teaching exam score report
Letter from the school district where I work (dates, position, etc)along with a print out of my direct deposits (we use computerized paystubs)

Did I send the right things?? I just can't see why I would get denied.

TO GARY/VICKY: Why is it that they don't allow people to check up on their applications, call anyone or send an e-mail? Why is it that they don't send you an e-mail if you are denied?

This is honestly one of the worst things I have ever been through....from doing 100s of hours of research on my own to try to get my docs together, to being left waiting for a long time (first for WP and now EC) without any recourse to information? How difficult would it be to set up an automated phone line that you could call into and enter in your case number and get a computerized response about your application?

I guess I am not a good wait-er...lol

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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 07:19:17 AM »
chicago office does seem to be speedier than the others from anecdotal reports, but it's certainly going to take more than three days.  You should get it within the next couple of weeks, maybe?  All you can do is wait, really.

And looking at your documents...you did send your work permit as well, right...?
Now a triple citizen!

Student visa 9/06-->Int'l Grad Scheme 1/08-->FLR(M) 7/08-->ILR 6/10-->British citizenship 12/12

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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 09:06:40 AM »
LOL....yeah....I forgot to mention that little detail -

I included my original work permit and a letter from my employer.


A few weeks? Wow....thats a big jump from the time frame their e-mail gives!

I know that all I can really do is wait...I'm just getting a bit concerned because I flubbed up and didn't get the right kind of courier...

Also...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried that I missed something and so they denied my application. :(

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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 11:25:19 AM »
have you booked your flights?

Was there any reaosn this was all done so late in the day?

This is busiest time of year at the consulates, you just need to relax and be patient.


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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 02:12:47 PM »
Thanks for responding Vicky-

No tickets have been booked yet and the only reason the school wanted me to "rush" the docs with a courier is that they have been paying for a supply teacher to cover the position since the beginning of the year (and unlike the US where "subs" get paid paltry wages - apparently supply teachers get paid more than I typically would).

Plus they were hoping for me to begin right after the half term break which is coming up soon.

There is no "fire" so to speak, I just feel badly that I botched up the submission and that it is costing my new employer money and time.

I will try to wait patiently - not my strong suit.

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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 02:21:24 PM »
Welcome to On Hold. The music in here is awful, isn't it?  :)

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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2008, 02:51:15 PM »
When was the work permit applied for and approved?


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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2008, 04:54:34 PM »
LOL@Stoatula....like an elevator in Hades....


My work permit was applied for on the 4th of September and approved on the 18th (according to the doc) but they didn't get it until the 23rd.

Then the school accidentally sent me the copy and filed the original. So it needed to be resent (and I felt soooo slow....but I didn't realize it was a copy until like 4 days after I got it).

I know there are lots of people out there who had a longer wait time for their WP than I did - I was told it was a bit faster because I am a teacher so it isn't a problem proving that they qualified in a shortage area and the qualifications for my position are obvious (degree and exams, etc).

I probably shouldn't be complaining because there are people who waited like 6+ weeks for a WP.

I suppose I would just be so much more comfortable with waiting any length of time if I could just find out what the general status is. For example...if it is denied....I won't know until I get home from work one day and find a sad package waiting for me. :(

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Re: Entry Clearance (Work Permit) wait time...
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2008, 11:48:01 AM »
Thanks for that.

The point I wanted to make is (as I guessed) that the reason this is all delayed, and the reason that you are starteing late and the school is having to pay for a supply teacher...is that the school screwed up!  They left it far too late to apply for the permit, then compounded the problem by sending a copy instead of the original!

So...don't beat yourself up about it, just relax and be happy that you have extra holiday before jumping into the the joys of teaching in a UK school!


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