I applied for ILR (married to UK citizen, was on unmarried visa) before my visa expired. But without realising, I was £19 short of having the amount in my credit card to cover the fee! (mix up). They sent my application back saying I need to resubmit with another form and payment but obviously it is now past the expiry date! I phoned up and they said to add a covering letter and resubmit, but on phoning again to check, they said I was now in the country illegally, shouldn't be working, and need an immigration lawyer! I have already submitted it again with the covering letter. Where do I stand now? Are they likely to refuse me? Everything else is by the book and I have more than enough documentary evidence to show I've done everything right so far (living in the UK with my partner). Will they treat this as a late application and refuse me, send me home? Please help thank you!