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Topic: National ID Cards for FLR-S and FLR-M  (Read 732 times)

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National ID Cards for FLR-S and FLR-M
« on: October 11, 2008, 08:38:25 AM »
I actually assumed something that doesn't appear true.  It appears only FLR-S and FLR-M folks will be issued National ID Cards and from 25 November: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/newsarticles/identitycardsforforeignnationals

So I am not going to be issued an ID card when applying for my SET-M, but several of you folks that are getting married in November and beyond are going to get hit with a new process that none of us have visability of.  If some of you would be willing to share your stories in great and gory detail, I am sure all of us here would benefit greatly from it as it is a new process for all and yet another thing that will likely cause stress (and probablly money) for the rest of us.

If you felt comfortable, I am sure Garry would even be willing to post your experience on line at his website and then you can assist loads of others as well.  If you google for "flr experience" you will find my previous experience is at the top of the list and Gary says it still gets a huge amount of traffic.
WARNING My thoughts and comments are entirely my own.  Especially when it comes to immigration and tax advice, I am not a professional.  My advice is to seek out professional advice.  Your mileage may vary!
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Re: National ID Cards for FLR-S and FLR-M
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2008, 02:52:36 PM »

Your article is consistently the number 1 or number 2 Google result for the keywords "FLR application", and has been for a long time.  It even outranks UKBA. 

Depending upon day of week and so forth, your article about National Insurance is the 2nd or 3rd Google result for "National Insurance Numbers" and/or "NIN application".

People like the personal narratives when they are well-written because they are so effective at creating realistic expectations.  Since narratives focus on the EXPERIENCE itself, they are timeless and always relevant. 

People also like that there are no adverts and no come-ons trying to get money anywhere on the site.  Not even a link for contributions.

Another popular narrative is Celeste's, which ranks in the top 10 Google results for the key words "applying for ILR".   :o  And in the top 5 for "indefinite leave to remain spouse". 

Some of the newer stuff, like a recent narrative from UKY's latest batch of spouses, is climbing up the ranks for  "spousal application USA"

And of course the all-time favorite, "overstayers in uk" (ranking either 1st or 2nd) belongs to a personal narrative provided by our very own yankeeangel. 

They are all MASSIVELY helpful to people.

And to be clear, NOBODY has EVER EVER been subject to vengeance by providing a narrative.  Ever.  If anything, it is exact opposite.  Fact is that both celeste's and kitson's were examined by UKBA with a view towards cleaning up their act.  And they were VERY GRATEFUL about it.

Also, when we went over the biometrics narratives that people here had provided, they were falling all over themselves with gratitude because they could not get that level of feedback without spending millions of pounds. 

So yeah, if there's a good narrative on the ID card process, you can be sure that those following on behind you will be thankful...

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