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Topic: Jonathan Ross  (Read 6826 times)

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Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #45 on: November 01, 2008, 08:51:13 AM »
what about the poor women herself who has been used

You know what?  If you don't want your grandfather to find out that you've slept with someone notoriously sleazy then DON'T sleep with them in the first place.

Just to clear up any minty/Mindy mixups, I'd like to say that I agree with Mindy about "the poor woman."
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Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #46 on: November 01, 2008, 09:03:10 AM »
It is outrageous, calling up someones grandad and saying you shagged his grandaughter is out of order on MANY levels. what about the poor women herself who has been used , a grandad who has had to had the whole thing spat at him

Can you clarify who is the poor women that has been used?  To my knowledge, the only woman in this story is in a burlesque group called Satanic Sluts and, as someone previously posted, has sold her story.

Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #47 on: November 01, 2008, 09:19:19 AM »
It is outrageous, calling up someones grandad and saying you shagged his grandaughter is out of order on MANY levels. what about the poor women herself who has been used , a grandad who has had to had the whole thing spat at him

even if it didnt get on air that is wrong. to broadcast it, is just unbelievable.

thats why its a big deal.

i think its pretty sick in the head that saturday night is open voyeristic shots of guts in holby or casualty. if people want to spend saturday night watching sick and ill people then you got more problems than paying yr tv licence.

Mindy, I'm with you about the grandfather thing, but I have to tell you that the guts in Casualty are made of plastic and the sick and ill people are actors. Some of them get better, too.

That was Minty. MINTY.  Not Mindy

Mindy: a left leaning moderator who spends far too much time on UKY and likes to give opinions about child raising, fitting in, the world is not going to hell,  and why you can live without Velveeta.  Also, occasionally tells people off for bickering.

Minty: an irregular poster who likes to add to threads with his own take on things, usually in the middle of the night.

Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2008, 09:47:30 AM »
I always thought that Minty was an abbreviation of Araminta, a Sloaney girls name, but I suppose it could mean "smelling or tasting of mint".

A phone-in contributor to a BBC radio discussion programme about the scandal said that in her opinion "only a fool would sleep with Russell Brand and expect discretion".

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Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #49 on: November 01, 2008, 10:55:21 AM »
I always thought that Minty was an abbreviation of Araminta, a Sloaney girls name, but I suppose it could mean "smelling or tasting of mint".

A phone-in contributor to a BBC radio discussion programme about the scandal said that in her opinion "only a fool would sleep with Russell Brand and expect discretion".

IMO, only a woman in search of infamy would sleep with Russell Brand, but I doubt she expected her grandpa to find out or for it to make national headlines.

I think he's very funny.  Personal judgements aside (and if you're amused by potty humour).

I also think that he will only get so far in America.  Unless he seriously learns to censor himself, he's going to sink like a lead ballon.

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Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #50 on: November 01, 2008, 12:27:58 PM »

I think he's very funny.  Personal judgements aside (and if you're amused by potty humour).

I think he's funny too, Hollyberry.

I had to listen to the bit to see what all of the hooha is about, and honestly I just don't get it. Bits of it were downright hilarious,(the song, OMG!) most of it was ho hum and the whole thing wasn't much more OTT than you would expect from a combination of Brand and Ross. I mean, they're going to get carried away like a couple of big kids, right?

Like I said earlier, the "poor grandfather" in question was played the tape for approval pior to airing it and didn't raise any objections, so what is the witch hunt all about?

I just can't believe how out of proportion the whole thing has gotten, even to the stage of depriving me of my Friday night entertainment!

Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #51 on: November 01, 2008, 12:56:20 PM »
I'm so beyond sick of the whole thing. But not even remotely surprised. God how I hate the Daily Mail and their penchant for stirring up conservative hysteria.

I'm also amazed at how many people think that because they pay a licensing fee every single thing the BBC broadcasts must meet with their approval.  ::) I heard Danny Baker on BBC London yesterday say that you should find something on the BBC that you like - that's what YOUR bit of the license fees goes to. Find something you don't like? Someone else's license fee pays for that and DON'T BLOODY WELL LISTEN TO/WATCH IT!

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Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #52 on: November 01, 2008, 12:58:49 PM »
I'm also amazed at how many people think that because they pay a licensing fee every single thing the BBC broadcasts must meet with their approval.  ::) I heard Danny Baker on BBC London yesterday say that you should find something on the BBC that you like - that's what YOUR bit of the license fees goes to. Find something you don't like? Someone else's license fee pays for that and DON'T BLOODY WELL LISTEN TO/WATCH IT!

That's a really good way to look at it! And I agree completely.
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Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #53 on: November 01, 2008, 01:03:27 PM »
I'm so beyond sick of the whole thing. But not even remotely surprised. God how I hate the Daily Mail and their penchant for stirring up conservative hysteria.

I'm also amazed at how many people think that because they pay a licensing fee every single thing the BBC broadcasts must meet with their approval.  ::) I heard Danny Baker on BBC London yesterday say that you should find something on the BBC that you like - that's what YOUR bit of the license fees goes to. Find something you don't like? Someone else's license fee pays for that and DON'T BLOODY WELL LISTEN TO/WATCH IT!

That is exactly how I've always looked at it! MY license fee pays for quality children's programming, the news, Question Time, Newsnight, Dr. Who and Strictly Come Dancing.  Someone else is paying for Eastenders, Casualty and daytime programs.

Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #54 on: November 01, 2008, 01:05:15 PM »
That is exactly how I've always looked at it! MY license fee pays for quality children's programming, the news, Question Time, Newsnight, Dr. Who and Strictly Come Dancing.  Someone else is paying for Eastenders, Casualty and daytime programs.

I'm definitely paying for your share of Eastenders.  ;)

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Re: Jonathan Ross
« Reply #55 on: November 01, 2008, 01:14:56 PM »
I'm also amazed at how many people think that because they pay a licensing fee every single thing the BBC broadcasts must meet with their approval.  ::) I heard Danny Baker on BBC London yesterday say that you should find something on the BBC that you like - that's what YOUR bit of the license fees goes to. Find something you don't like? Someone else's license fee pays for that and DON'T BLOODY WELL LISTEN TO/WATCH IT!

Genius! I'll think of that everytime Top Gear is on.  :)

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