I just realized that I have a couple of those clear "spacesaver" bags from Target. Basically, they're plastic bags that you can put clothes in and suck the air out with a vacuum, so they become flat and make it easier to pack (and save lots of room!). Would I be able to use these to pack our clothes? They're see-through and not very thick, so I don't imagine it'd be a problem, but at the same time, baggage inspectors would be able to actually go through them without opening them up (and completely defeating the purpose of using them). For what it's worth, we're flying from Memphis->Chicago->Heathrow->Leeds/Bradford with United and BMI. Does anyone know if these are allowed? Would this be something to call the airline about, or is it more of an airport matter? (And in that case, would it be worth contacting Chicago and Heathrow to find out?)