Not sure where to put this..but since it deals with food.
My DH and I have been members of Slow Food USA for over a year. It's a brilliant organization to support local and heritage foods. With the help of Slow Food and similar organizations the native american turkeys are on their way to being saved. They were started in Italy and really just do great things. I know that the meetings in London have already started but I thought I would post this in case anyone was interested.
We have just renewed our membership and will be a part of the UK chapter of Slow Food. I will pass on events as I hear of them.
Slow Food LondonLondon Sustainability Weeks
London, June 5-19 2004
A cleaner, greener, healthier, tastier....and slower London.
Since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, when more than 150 countries met, the importance of the environment as our most significant, shared resource, has been increasingly recognised. Two issues have increasingly captured popular interest - biodiversity and local food. This year, London (held to coincide with World Environment Day) encourage Londoners to explore the cleaner, greener, healthier and tastier, diversity
of our city in a series of more than 200 events taking place in and around the capital. The events range from local action and community projects and include several events organised by Slow Food London and London Farmers' Markets (London Honey Taste Workshop, Market Day Menus, Visit to Colchester Oyster Beds.... and the 5th Anniversary of the Islington Green Farmers' Market, London's first farmers' market).
For general information: Happy eating to everyone!