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Topic: Oliver Shanti  (Read 1229 times)

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Oliver Shanti
« on: January 25, 2009, 08:41:33 PM »
Both me and Madame Contrex had been very fond, some years ago, of a German New Age musician called Oliver Shanti, but we hadn't listened to him much lately. The other week we pulled a couple of his old CDs out of the cupboard and they seemed as good as ever. Madame said she'd like him on her mp3 player.

Then, today, I was Googling for information about him, and was shocked to discover that he went on the run in 2002 after an arrest warrant was issued in Germany for him. For sexually abusing young boys. He was finally arrested in Lisbon in 2008 and is now doing prison time in Germany. I have now placed all of his CDs that I own in the trash.

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