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Topic: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????  (Read 7207 times)

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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #105 on: February 01, 2009, 05:49:17 AM »
I got this after i made that other post. But answer me this, Who were the first colonists to allow the dutch and others to come in?  

The Spanish. Then the dutch. Then the French. Then the British. I mean you can't be serious. What British town was New Orleans named after?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 05:56:34 AM by Mort »
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #106 on: February 01, 2009, 05:49:50 AM »

DOyou know in saudia arabia and Aphganastan, it is ILLIGAL to make a church or any other religious house of worship, and in most cases converting to another religious is a death sentence. But for example when those people leave their country and ceom here, they want to be accomodated?  lol this is a double standard stuff i am talking about.
Yes I do...and they also follow a non culturaly mixed society..which is a dictatorship....and hence why I would rather live in England.  As for the odd few that come here...its because they don't want to live where they are dictated too by 1 persons beliefs..because its not their own.  If they express that they would like something different, they get their heads, arms or legs cuts off!  Is this how you want England or the States to be??

lastley, multi culturism is the most stupidest thing i have every heard. every culture has its own interesting aspects, why do you want to mesh them al together to make this huge crap ball of a culture?  what will happen to language? we all speak the same too now? lol  please, thsi is a fantasy people dreamed up. i think it is cool to go to a polish deli to get polish sausage and go to a french restaurant or indian restaurant, i liek to dabble in another culture. However i said dabble in it not be surounded in it, or in some fasion change my culture.

You are not meshing a culture or speaking a different language because you decide to live next to eachother  :-\\\\  English is the most common language in the world.  That will not change.

OH yea and by the way i dont remember getting the memo about how i felt about immigrants coming in my country. So they are not doing me any favors by coming here, they are doign themselves a favor by coming here.

Yes you did, your old enough to vote.

for the pople that say they do the jobs the host country's people wont is rubbish. see all thos elazy chavs you have, get them off their dumbasses and put them to work. Problem solved no you dont need ali or rashid to clean your toliot for you. It is the lazyness of the popluatiopn that caused this mess. if people relized it meant their culture would possibly change i dont think people would have allowed this much immigration. that is exactly why they are cutting back on it, well the UK anyway, cus America has its dress up over it's head and has a que standing behind it all the time.

I agree that we have a ton of lazy ars* people here..and yes I would love to stick a hot poker up their butt and make them work rather than me paying them to sit in a pub..That won't stop immigration tho..

Oh yea agian when did the "people" of the host country decide to do it anyway?  i didnt get the memo did you? cus if i had the chance to vote i would vote to highly restrict and put  money towrds getting lazy asses of my own country folks to get put into work. and if they did this there would be less chavs, that means less drug dealing, less taxpayer strain, less crime. but noooo, get rashid over here from pakistan to do it (and pay him really low wages, which is wrong and a whole other reason why companies do it) while Johnny Chav get to be in common housing dealing drugs out his window and stabbing granddad for his pension check.

So who do you vote for then in the states? ( by the way, I did giggle at your last sentence )

OH yea and by the way i dont remember getting the memo about how i felt about immigrants coming in my country. So they are not doing me any favors by coming here, they are doign themselves a favor by coming here. and for the pople that say they do the jobs the host

Same as you want to come here to be a imigrant and study. To improve yourself and quality of living.

I only calling him mate, becuase he called me matey.  ::)

But i guess... oh forget it......

Oh I see....

I would love to discuss this further...but is silly o'clock in the morning and I need some sleepies.
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #107 on: February 01, 2009, 05:55:52 AM »
Congrats, i think you guys accomplished what you set out to do. You have all deterded me from thinking about England as a place to settle down and work and live and so on. I guess i may have been the one also with a stupid dream. A dream that england was still the place i thought it once was, but i guess not. And you guys seem to like that fact, well good for you all, i am happy for you. But for me i think is world, meaning this time we live in, is not meant for people like me, i am of the old cut of the leather. I was hoping to find a piece of it in enlgand still, but apparently not. I got to be honest it feels bad, but what the hell I guess.

Well i will be visiting London in the spring i have it all arranged. Now i kinda wish i didnt do it. I was hoping to check the place out with a "buyers eye" but now i dont know. I think i just sunk alot of money into a holiday that will be painful. Well such is life i suppose. This is what happens when you are basically living as a gypsy. It is a hard life, becuase you dont fully relate to anyone culture and dont fully relate to your own heritage's culture either, it called confusion. A type of confusion like a multi racial person can feel, when he or she cant relate fully to either race. Although, i am of the English culture, I am not fully seen as being "English", because i dont look like the common American. That is why i said many times i am not angainst different races living among each other, just keep the bloody culture proper and pure. Even though i am not of a different race, I am not exactly the poster child for America either.

Like i said a stupid dream i suppose.

Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #108 on: February 01, 2009, 09:41:52 AM »

It's locked, people.  Until I can go back and weed out all the personal attacky stuff.   In the meantime, some people should have a look at this:


Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #109 on: February 01, 2009, 10:10:39 AM »
It's staying locked for now.  I'm off to Chinese New Year(multiculturism at its best) today and unless someone else wants to unlock it and watch it I'm afraid you'll all have to cool off.   

Personal remarks have been removed.  Wildly off-topic remarks have been removed.  If your reply is gone it was either personal, off-topic, or referred to something personal or off-topic.

Do not start this topic up again somewhere else.   Do not start a topic about your freedom of speech and please refrain from starting a topic about how much this has made you hate UKY.

AND in future, please use the report to mod button when people are being rude and personal.  Do not keep it going.

And I leave you with:

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