It would be if you vosit the US again before June 15th. Separately don't forget the TD F 90-22.1 has to be received by June 30th, not filed by that date.
Sheesh... do I just put that in with my other tax documents, or does that go separately somewhere else? I'm not planning on leaving the UK at all before filing in June. I am thinking I could just take my stuff to the post office on the 14th or 15th of June and get it all in at the same time, which should just make the 330 day mark since I arrived here on 14th July. I have a W-2 from my former US employer, a tax statement for tuition contribution thingy from my former university, and all of my pay stubs from my employer here in the UK. What else do I need, besides the regular 1040, the foreign income form (forgot the name of it), and the TD F 90-22? Also, my DH and I share the bank account, though even together we don't earn over £80,000, so do I include him on my return since we share finances, or not?
Urgh, I hated doing my taxes in the US. Even though they were easy, I always had an accountant friend do them. Now I am really lost!!!