Thats good to hear Missy that you think it's picking up. My hubby works for HSBC here (invoice finance) and isn't interested in transferring or similar, but we would obviously do what we need to do.
I work on the admin side for Local Authority, hopefully that's transferable, but again, I will be much more open - although I draw the line at K-Mart! I worked there temporarily for Xmas when I first got my "first" GC and walked when a woman actually hit me! I still cannot believe I didn't react and swipe for her, she went for me from the back of my head, she said she had yelled out for someone at least 6 times and I had "ignored" her! Argh!
I have always wanted to sell real estate ( goodness knows why) I have no experience or anything and no sales background, but maybe one day I will try to get a brokers license. My idea job would definately involve organization/admin and something internet based.
Husbands relatives work for some large corps ( PepsiCo etc) and I like their policy of introducing family/friends, I definately think more companies could recruit that way effectively on this side of the pond.