Ooh ooh ooh, I ADORE Budapest! It's my favourite city in Europe, and my fiance's, too, now. The food is absolutely out of this world - top notch cuisine. You can pretty much walk into any decent-looking restaurant and have one of the best meals of your lives.
And the entire city is built upon natural hot springs, so there's thermal baths all over the city. Hotel Gellert has the best interiors, but that's separated by sex, so if you and your husband want a long, hot soak together, I highly recommend the szechenyi baths, they're in a big park with about 20 indoor pools of various temperatures and sizes (one lozenge-shaped one has really strong jets that whip you around the pool, it's SO much fun!) and 2 or 3 huge outdoor warm pools. You get an entire cross-section of Hungarians, there, too - teenagers on dates, ladies wot lunch, old people, fat people, poor people, rich people. It's really refreshing and really cheap, too! Just make sure you pack your swimsuits so you don't have to rent one (ewww!).
I'm so jealous! We were given free flight coupons for our engagement and decided to go to Budapest again, but it'll be nearly a year before we can actually go, and we both really miss it there!
Oh, and top tip: Goodbye in Hungarian is pronounced exactly like "See ya". SO easy to remember.