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Topic: ARG to the beginning process for Uni!  (Read 1094 times)

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ARG to the beginning process for Uni!
« on: August 17, 2009, 10:08:27 PM »
Okay so I just need to vent.  Quick background, I am doing a MSc that is taking place in two countries (England/Netherlands).  The program is run through the English uni.  Anyway, this summer I was Wilderness Leader who took children out on canoe/camping trips all summer long.  My access to the internet and my cell phone were limited so with that in mind, I arranged my travel arrangements before I left for the job.  Now just a few weeks ago, I got an email explaining that my course is starting on the 7th instead of the 14th, even though I was told it started on the 14th and every piece of documentation says the 14th.  Not a huge deal as mistakes happen and working with two unis, in two countries is difficult.  I am working to rearrange my flights which is a financial penalty to me and I just got an email from the woman in charge on the Netherland's side that literally scolded me like I was a child.  She even threaten to penalize me, WTF?  This is their mistake, not mine and I am being scolded like a child, am having to rearrange my plans and take a financial penalty.  The best part is that this is for a PR program, she should know how to communicate better, one would think.  The worst part is, I can't just tell her to piss off (though that is nothing new in the world of PR) as she has all the power in this relationship.  AAARRRRGGGGG!

**okay done venting and feel a tad bit better!   :P

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Re: ARG to the beginning process for Uni!
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 01:47:34 AM »
That sucks! I might have had a hard time holding back and not going "american" on her (as one of my British friends calls it!)

Hope it works out.
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