I loved milk (around one glass a day of skimmed, or with bran flakes) before the low carb regime and I've really missed having milk, I do however love Alpro unsweetened Soy milk, which is quite low in carbs, but a friend of mine went on a rant today about the dangers of Soy.
Does anyone know anything about the "dangers of soy" particularly in relation to hyperthyroidism? Everything I've googled is really propagandary and I'd just like a couple of opinions on it.
I'm not terribly bothered about "x gives you cancer" food fadism, but I am interested in this particular product as I'm introducing something that I've had relatively little contact with in the past.
I enjoy tofu and do cook with it occasionally but since low carbing I've increased my intake of soy quite largely, using it as a meat sub for currys etc, cold marinated in salads, in dips and to make chocolate mousse when having people over for dinner, as well as the soy milk, so any one with any knowledge of Soy and it's healthfulness would be really appreciated.