From the article:
Here's a tip: If you want to get a little slack on the roads, drop by a gas station or auto shop and buy a green "P" (probationary driver with license) sign to put in your car window.
Opinion is rather divided about the relatively new "P" plates. Some newly licensed drivers think that displaying the plates makes other road users cut them a little more slack, while others report that they seem to be an invitation to impatient drivers to cut them up and get in front at any cost, and that after throwing the plates away they were treated much better.
Personally, I would fall in the "don't bother using them" group, whether we're talking about newly licensed British drivers or Americans just trying to get to grips with driving here for the first time. I figure that they can act as a red rag to a bull for bad drivers, while good, courteous drivers will treat all other roads users with respect anyway.