to quickly sum things up-
Back in September when I saw my GP (in the US), he noticed I had things growing in my armpit as part of my breast exam. He wrote them off as my body producing skin tags, as I have a small one farther down on my arm and one on the back of my neck. The Doc told me if they started to bother me, they could be frozen off as an in-office procedure, but otherwise, totally normal and nothing to worry about.
There was one on my Left arm that just kept getting bigger and bigger. This morning, it ws about the size of a US Dime and smooth to the touch. It was so puffy that the skin was splitting and erm....well, let's just say that it's no longer the size of a US Dime and it was gross to clean up.
So, I managed to snag an appointment today with the Doctor, and he todl me they aren't skin tags (and apologized), but are Sebaceous Cysts. The fortunate thing is Sebaceous Cysts are totally treatable with antibiotics (which I'm now on). The UNfortunate things is that they never fully go away. They will continually recur exactly where you previously had one....unless you have surgery to have the cyst completely cut out/removed. This is considered a cosmetic procedure, but a medically necessary one.
The Nurse called a few surgeons for me (locally) and there were no open appointments until well past when I plan to be in the UK. Since it's not an emergency, my doctor suggested I just wait and see a doctor in the UK.
Will the NHS cover the surgery to have them removed? Is there any type of private insurance we could pay into that would cover it, or are we screwed since it's technically a cosmetic procedure?