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Topic: Lynne Cheney's l'il gem ...  (Read 2179 times)

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Lynne Cheney's l'il gem ...
« on: August 13, 2004, 08:32:56 PM »

"Let us go away together, away from the anger and imperatives of men. There will be only the two of us, and we shall linger through long afternoons of sweet retirement. In the evenings I shall read to you while you work your cross-stitch in the firelight. And then we shall go to bed, our bed, my dearest girl."

An Amazon Review:

What do women want? A new edition of "Sisters"!, May 1, 2004
 Reviewer:    A reader (Washington, D.C.) 
Just focus for a moment on the nickname of the husband of the authoress, and it becomes E-Z to understand why Lynne Cheney's throbbing pudenda compelled her to write this novel more than two decades ago. As directed by the Commander in Chief, the White House gynecologist has since infibulated the author. Yet potent testimony of the intensity of gratified female desire remains between the well-thumbed pages of the few yellowing copies of "Sisters" that have not been purchased and burned by Attorney General John Ashcroft and his staff members.

"Sisters" made its debut when Mrs. Cheney was an unknown scribbler, though her words undoubtedly inspired the life choices of her daughter Mary. It is shameful that partisan political pressure upon Lynne's publishing house, as well as her current status as Second Womyn of the United States, keeps this moist, glistening gem from being reissued. Readers across America would find "Sisters" a fine excuse for self-abuse if only this exquisite paean to Sapphic love, as well as to prophylactic-clad heterosexual bonking in the Wild West, became widely available once again! Forty-four bidders attempted to buy a yellowing copy from eBay, yet only one succeeded, at a price beyond rubies.

The female wankers of America need this book. Bring it back

The book can be read in its entirety online:  www.livejournal.com/~lynnecheney
I know I'm late - where's the booze?

Re: Lynne Cheney's l'il gem ...
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2004, 08:52:58 PM »
And while you're at it (so to speak), then send a letter to lesbian Mary Cheney at


about why she's helping Dad change the Constitution to enshrine bigotry.

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