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Topic: Freelance/Contract vs Permanent?  (Read 711 times)

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Freelance/Contract vs Permanent?
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:10:14 PM »
Hi Everyone- I was wondering whether anyone has any insight...

I plan on being here in Brighton for five years- potentially longer. I am in a situation where I may have a choice for a "perfect" permanent position versus the start of a freelancing career that will "cater to my specialty" without giving me new skills.

Knowing that I am going to move on, likely to a different European country, does anyone have any insight on what approach is going to help me when getting a new visa down the road?
The economy fell apart. Then we moved to Brighton. Disappointing- yes. Any regrets? No. I am interested in meeting Sussex people and any other souls that have a shared mission of getting to know the rest of the world better. My Blog: daveavenue.

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Re: Freelance/Contract vs Permanent?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2010, 10:05:54 AM »
Hiya!  I used to work in a staffing firm and we'd get this type of situation a lot.  If you choose the permanent position it will show more stability on your CV as well as continuous employment with a stable income.  That stability will look very good on any application, be it work related or for a visa.  The freelance career could allow you the flexibility to pursue new options after those five years are over and an easy transition out.  But the downside is that it may not always provide a steady paycheck and if it doesn't give you new skills, could it lessen your chances of finding a career wherever you move next? 

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Re: Freelance/Contract vs Permanent?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 10:07:13 AM »
Thanks for the feedback. I am hoping for permanent employment. Steady paycheck is nice as is the ability to be able to feel like a part of a team.

Freelance is more lucrative but after spending months of looking for work, I am near the breaking point of dealing with recruiters, etc. I imagine freelance positions will ensure that I have to deal with recruiters again in the future, which is about as appealing as the idea of pulling teeth.
The economy fell apart. Then we moved to Brighton. Disappointing- yes. Any regrets? No. I am interested in meeting Sussex people and any other souls that have a shared mission of getting to know the rest of the world better. My Blog: daveavenue.

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