Funny you should ask!
I cooked oxtail stew last night. It was my second stab at it, and afterwards I decided, I give up. Last night I made Delia Smith's recipe. I slow cooked it the day before yesterday and let it sit for 24 hours. Two years ago I made Nigella's Oxtail stew with Mackeson's stout. While the flavour was delicious with both, the texture was so gloppy, greasy, almost gelatinous, I found it to be too heavy. As my husband said, as tactfully as he could, "I bet they'd be nicer in a soup." So next time it's oxtail soup for us. I haven't given up on oxtail altogether, just the stew.
I did see recipes for West Indian versions online, and those sounded really nice. I knew I wasn't going to have access at the time to scotch bonnets so I went for something more English. I'll be curious to know what you end up doing with it (and inspired if you have success).
Good luck!