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Topic: Breakfast foods n such  (Read 1684 times)

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Breakfast foods n such
« on: August 17, 2004, 03:13:39 AM »
HEY U GUYS> I am so addicted to this site its rediculous. ANYWAY..
  HEY. I just wanna know something about Sausages..  See, my boyfriend visited last month. ME being someone that likes to get into the kitchen and cook. I was excited t make him breakfast.
 I made sausage my mom made grits  and  i made some Pilsbury biscuts.

HE NEveR HAD NONE OF THOSE FOR BREAKFAST he says sausage is for dinner? its those patty type sausages like u get at Mcdonald's on the mcgriddle or something.
ANYWAY.. do they just eat sausage in the evening there? have i mad a fopaa??

 i am making myself hungry now..

OH and what kind of cereals do they have there? i am a ceral junkie. I dont like EVERYTHING but pretty much seieng the cereal isle makes me happy.. I know, i am easy..


PS i read in an earlier post they have Hamburger helper there. NO HATING ON HH.. thats how i learned to cook when i was in college. I have evolved. lol.
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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2004, 04:17:23 AM »
We eat sausage for breaky all the time--it's great with a fry-up.  Of course, I have seen people eat it for dinner as well.

As for cereals, you can pretty much get everything in the UK that you can get State-side...save for some of the sugary ones...they don't have all of those (ick).  Of course, many of the cereals we are used to are named differently here...Sultana Bran vs. Raisin Bran, Corn Puffs vs. Sugar Puffs...the list goes on.  The pictures on the box will tell you what you are eating though, and they are the General Mills, Kelloggs brands, etc...

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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2004, 04:24:12 AM »
ha hha right.
my friend visited for 6 monhts and said just read the lables LOL
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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2004, 06:25:41 AM »
Shala, you crack me up!
But i think you mis-read the previous thread you mentioned because... we don't have Hamburger Helper here.

Yes, definitely people eat sausages for breakfast... here in Scotland you get a choice of link sausage or 'skwerr' (lorne) sausage, which are sausage patties.  But we dont have grits and what you call a biscuit, we would call a scone, although they are not always identical.
But we eat sausage for dinner as well... you've heard of bangers & mash?

Oh, and you didnt actually ask this, but.... 'fopaa' is actually spelt 'faux pas'.  Just in case you want to know for the future.   ;D

« Last Edit: August 17, 2004, 06:29:41 AM by Broxi »

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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2004, 06:45:26 AM »
u are too cute  Broxi
 I am a terrible speller so i appreciate that. I will try not to forget my lesson for this evening.

MAN maybe its just him. he's so cute, but very picky so i wasnt sure..
 I love those patti type sausages. the links  are okay it depends on what they taste like.

I had to know if it was just him or what! okay now i dont feel so strange. and i apprecieate the help :)
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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2004, 07:12:46 AM »
ladymoonwalker27, when you get over here you will find that sausages are different from what you are used to, but are pretty tasty. When I first tried sausages over here, I thought they tasted like dressing because there is so much bread in them! The most popular/ordinary type of sausage has a high fat content and a large amount of 'rusk', which is sort of like really hard melba toast, that has been ground fine and added as a filler. Most people prefer to make their sausages under the grill rather than pany fry them, and most people like them quite well-browned on the outside. They are nothing like American sage sausage patties.

When my DH ad I visited my parents in the US, my mom made the southern style breakfast of sausage patties, milk gravy and homemade biscuits with eggs and hashbrown potatoes and crisp-fried bacon. He ate it but I think he was relieved when the next day I made eggs, toast, mushrooms and fried tomatoes. LOL

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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2004, 08:39:03 AM »
Yes, don't buy the reallyl cheap sausages that you can get here. They are nothing like what you eat at home. Very fatting and full of fillers. Spend just a little bit more and get something like a Cumberland sausage. Most supermarkets carry a 'high-end' range of sausages that cost a little more but have less filler/fat and more flavor.

If you really prefer the patty type, just buy the link sausages and take the meat out of the casing and make some patties.

And I'll second what was said about biscuits... there really isn't a good UK equivalent so if you really want them, you'll have to make them from scratch. And remember, 'biscuits' in British English actually means cookies!
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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2004, 10:37:31 AM »
When my sister was staying in a bed and breakfast here, she thought they were odd in the first place for offering her half a tomato with breakfast. Then to make it worse, she didn't realize they heat them up, so to her it just looked like the tomato had been cut and left out for too long. Poor thing  :P

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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2004, 01:09:22 PM »
Oh, and beans (baked beans) are quite common for breakfast too.

I never ate much "luncheon meats" or sausages here in the US, but the first trip I made to Germany I fell in love with their fresh meats and delicious breads for brekkie. I am not much of a breakfast eater, but on weekends I love a wholegrain bread, a good selection of cheese and meats and a pot of tea shared with my beloved! I have found a much better selection of sausages, salami, cheeses etc. in the UK.

Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2004, 01:43:02 PM »

 I love those patti type sausages.

In England, I think  you'd be unlikely to get the patty type sausage that i was describing... it's a Scottish/ Northern Ireland thing.  You can buy loose sausage meat, though, and make your own. 

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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2004, 07:54:04 PM »
Shala, if you get really desperate for sausage patties, I'm pretty sure they have the egg mcmuffins here with them at McDonald's, so you're in luck  ;).

As for cereal, I'm a huge cereal eater too, and they have a pretty decent selection if you go to some of the bigger shops. And they actually do have the super sugary kind if you like that, like Frosties (Frosted Flakes), Ricicles (frosted rice krispies), Coco Pops, etc. The only thing is, for some reason cereal is not usually eaten at any time other than breakfast here... but that doesn't stop me.  :D
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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2004, 09:19:19 PM »
for some reason cereal is not usually eaten at any time other than breakfast here... but that doesn't stop me.

Ooh.. I'm one of those who eats cereal any time day or night as well. :)  I haven't found Trix cereal there though, which is a shame as it's one of my favorites.  They have most of the basic kinds.. shredded wheat, corn flakes, rice krispies, cheerios.. but have never seen stuff like Cookie Crisp, Fruity Pebbles.. you know, the sugary junk kids tend to eat. 

On the sausages front.. I haven't found anything here in America that is close enough to English sausage for my liking.  UK sausage is the only kind I can stomach  :-\\\\  It's just not as heavy/strong tasting as stuff you get stateside.

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Re: Breakfast foods n such
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2004, 11:21:29 PM »
see, LOL yall are so cute and funny. I am not addicted to sausages. but i do like them.

 SECOND I am addicted to CEREAL and lemme tll u. I can eat it ALL DAY everyday. Its like candy to me :)

 thanks u guys i think i shall live :)
eheheh but i love  cereal lovers too *HUGs*
Married to the most wonderful man in the world. Patrick Mulcrone. March 21,2005.  :) Temporarily back in the USA! Missing him! If you need advice I am here for you!

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