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Topic: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks  (Read 971 times)

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USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« on: June 22, 2010, 08:04:06 AM »
I have already mentioned it I know, but cant wait for her to come over and see this side of things. I just came back from the USA yesterday after a week....

She has never been out of the USA except for Canada and Mexico and we are a bit worried....we got engaged on my last trip there and no firm plans to marry as yet in the way of dates etc..and obviously when she comes over she will be staying with me and will not be saying that she is seeing her boyfriend now but her fiance...now she has a major credit card and will have a little english money for out of pocket expenses for the journey and odd things. She is coming for 3 weeks and will of course have a return ticket, but our concerns is the questioning she may encounter...anything we can pre-empt? such as the money she may have on her....around £150

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2010, 08:06:52 AM »
Sorry if I don't remember the whole story, does she have a job or apartment, or is she in school? 

She can bring evidence of any of those that she is going to return.

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2010, 01:25:35 PM »
If she's only going to have £150 on her, then there's nothing to worry about. Some tourists come over here with more in cash - I know I had quite a bit more than £150 when I moved here, but it still wasn't enough to have to declare it.
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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2010, 02:00:25 PM »
She should be fine with saying she's visiting her fiance. Several of my friends have come over for a week or 2 from the US and have simply put my address on the card they give you on the plane and said they're visiting a friend.

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2010, 02:00:48 PM »
If she's only going to have £150 on her, then there's nothing to worry about. Some tourists come over here with more in cash - I know I had quite a bit more than £150 when I moved here, but it still wasn't enough to have to declare it.

I dont think hes asking about having to declare it, hes asking if it will pass the "enough to support yourself during your stay" test, and IMO, it will not.  Does she have a bank statement to show she has more available?  Will you be supporting her on this trip? Do you have proof that you are able to do that?  

Like bookgrl said, your fiance needs to convince the IO that she will leave the UK after 3 weeks (usually in the form of a letter from her employer or proof of rent or mortgage payments) and not need to take up employment during those 3 weeks (as if she would) to support herself.  But, that being said, a three week stay should not draw as much attention to her as would be the case if she were asking to enter for a stay of a few months.

said they're visiting a friend.

DO NOT do this!  Your fiance is not here visiting a friend, she is visiting her fiance and needs to be honest with the IO.  Consequences are serious for lying.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 02:02:38 PM by mirrajay »

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2010, 04:58:00 PM »
The OP mentioned his fiancee has a credit card -- does that count for funds available (assuming that there's adequate spending room on the credit card)? 

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2010, 06:03:45 PM »
No im not asking if she needs to declare it, just iShe will have a credit card that will support her funds as most americans dont carry a lot of cash...
Its just that when I go there i always get the question of how much i have on me, never ask to see it, but i always tell them the truth as she will do when she comes here, I dont want her to lie and she wouldnt anyway...

That being said as she is staying with me for the whole 3 weeks her food will be provided and lodgings as you would expect and any sights we go to she will have some cash and her credit card...

She is in fulltime employment, and is renting a house from a friend so i am sure she can get lease details from her.

thanks again

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2010, 10:37:05 PM »
I never even considered that I might have a problem getting into the UK any time that I came in, even when it was on one way tickets.  Really glad that I never encountered even the slightest problem. The teaching in Tokyo, visiting for the school holidays, always seems to immediately end the Q&A with the IO.

My partner and/or I have been asked about lack of funds in either the UK, US, or Japan. (can't remember which of us, or where) And we just explained that we spend my yen while we're in Japan and his £ when we're in the UK to save on losses in currency exchange. 

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2010, 10:01:25 AM »

She is in fulltime employment, and is renting a house from a friend so i am sure she can get lease details from her.

Perfect.  All she needs to do is get a letter from her employer stating that she will be returning to work on such and such date.  If shes the extra cautious type, she could bring her latest credit card statement to show them the available credit, but she probably wont need it.

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Re: USC GF Visiting me in the UK in 4 weeks
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2010, 03:54:04 PM »
I wasn't suggest that she lie. I was just saying that when my friends came over simply saying "I'm staying at my friend's flat" was enough to get by any questions they asked, which seemed to be minimal.

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