There are definitely more Auntie Ann's than just those two in London, I had one when I was visiting my BF. I was surprised to see that there was a stand in the Royal Victoria Shopping Centre in Tunbridge Wells. He suggested we get some pretzels for a snack and I had no idea what to expect but was pleased to see that he was talking about the old treat from my childhood when I would go to the mall with my grandmother.
I don't eat McDonald's (the last time I had a milkshake there I threw up and the fries taste gross and chemically to me now, yech) or Wendy's, etc or Krispy Kreme (way too cloyingly sweet) but am glad about Chipotle! Mmmm, delicious. And I heard somewhere that the tortillas and rice are whole grains in the UK? Even better! I also got unnaturally excited when my Starbucks card worked at the ones in the UK and I got my soy for free, like normal, and "stars" toward my gold card free drinks.