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Topic: 3D TV  (Read 1645 times)

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« on: December 01, 2010, 07:52:42 PM »
Ok, does anyone have a 3D television yet? How good is it really? We've been wanting a new tv for several years now and finally have some money to invest in one and DH is really keen on the Panasonic Viera GT20 HD 3D tv, and the reviews look great, plus there is a bundle that comes with the tv - a 3D Blu-Ray player, two sets of glasses and four 3D Blu-Ray movies. So it sounds like a pretty good deal, but my BFF in America thinks it's silly to spend the money on a 3D television now since they are so expensive and there aren't many movies for them yet. What do you think? (Keep in mind, we do have a four year old and we watch a lot of kids movies with him over and over again, so it doesn't really bother us that many of the 3D movies are kids movies.)

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Re: 3D TV
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 08:13:28 PM »
I was recently in the electronics department at Harrods and they had one on display. Hubby and I took turns looking through the glasses at it and It was AMAZING! 8) The price tag was pretty amazing as well though  :o

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Re: 3D TV
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 08:50:19 PM »
My stepfather recently purchased a 60+" tv in the states. While he was doing his tv research and shopping he was considering going the 3D way. The problem is the tvs only come with two pairs of glasses which means unless you have spares (at $200/each ... don't know how much they are over here) you (general) can never have company over to watch tv/movies. And who really wants to invest $1000+ on glasses for potential visitors? And with all the grandkids between my stepdad and my mom (12+), it would be expected that a pair or two of the glasses would get broken along the way.

Me personally, I can't stand 3D! The glasses at the movies give me a headache and make my face hurt. And the glasses for the 3D tvs are more substantial and heavier than the movie ones.
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Re: 3D TV
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2010, 12:17:28 AM »

there are 2 types of 3D glasses that are needed for the latest generation of 3D capable displays. One is the expensive 'active' type which 'electronically' control inbuilt shutters (or equivalent) to create the effect of 3D to the wearer. Then there's the 'passive' much cheaper type, much like the method used over the last 40-50 years each time 3D has been tried for the masses.

I have interest in a different area of Consumer electronics and so only know a limited amount in terms of the technology, however as many aspects of the electronics and film studios and media companies are involved now so heavily, 3D is likely to stay this time around. I first saw the latest generation 3D stuff at the CES show in January 2010 and I was left a bit underwhelmed. Yes, the effect is there, however it depends on the content itself and 'how much' is done for 3D that is important. If you like your older content then expect 'parts' of the films/shows etc to be -remastered for 3D content. It was a demo of something out of Indiana Jones I think I watched, the scene where the mine carts turn into a roller coaster - only 'some' of the content was in vivid 3D. However, something modern and 'made' in 3D from the outset will knock your socks off !

Is it worth investing? only you can decide with more research - look over on avforums.com for the real indepth discussion !

I also saw 3D capable projectors, and played a video racing game demo and was impressed with that to an extent, I saw some other demo's which had the wow factor as well.

What really blew me away was the demo of 3D displays that didn't need any eyewear at all!  and all I can say is WOW and double WOW! however that technology is at least 3-5 years+ away yet, they could only show this early prototype on a screen about 22 inches in size, but the effect was there and vivid - I kept walking side to side, closer and further and ducking and trying to raise up to check the visual - it was fantastic!

For me personally, I'm not investing in 3D just yet, perhaps in a couple of years - for others like you mention, with kids, I'd do some more research from now until Xmas, go check a few places out that stock them, do some demo's and wait for the boxing day sales to kick in!

Cheers, DtM! West London & Slough UK!

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Re: 3D TV
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2010, 08:52:54 AM »
For me personally, I'm not investing in 3D just yet, perhaps in a couple of years - for others like you mention, with kids, I'd do some more research from now until Xmas, go check a few places out that stock them, do some demo's and wait for the boxing day sales to kick in!

Agreed....When you are the first to buy "new" technology you will always pay more and something better comes RIGHT along and its cheaper.  You can get such great deals on large TV's with out 3D I dont think its worth totally spending all that money for 2 people to watch a FEW 3D movies....What if they don't make many movies with 3D then it was a waste - I would wait on it to see if they start producing a bunch of movies first and see if anyone has problems (like 1-2 years).  Save up for 3D in the bedroom <eyebrow waggle>

If you can get it for close to the same price then hey why not...

I would save the extra moolaa for a rainy day and get a kick butt TV not 3D and buy a blue ray player if you want one ;-)

What size were you looking for? I love our Samsung and I had a Samsung in the states as well and heck just bought a Samsung montior lol

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Re: 3D TV
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2010, 08:01:43 PM »
Too late!  :-X

Hehe... DH was so sold on one, that even though I tried to be the voice of reason and say we should just stick with 2D for a while, he wasn't hearing it, he had already convinced himself on the 3D. If it makes him happy, then why not?!  ;) He worked for the same place for 18 years and was made redundant, so even though we share everything, I think he should have something he really wants out of the money he was paid, since he is the one who worked for it. I will let you guys know how it is, but there are only ever 3 of us over here watching movies, so we would only need one extra pair of glasses for the little guy, and of course, you can just watch 2D with it, as well, so it's not like it's ONLY for 3D movies or that people who come over can't watch a regular movie with you! I think the little guy will love it, and since he kind of gets obsessed with one or two movies at a time, anyway, we end up watching the same movies with him a lot and this will make it a bit more fun for all of us when we do.  ;)

Re: 3D TV
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2010, 08:04:07 PM »
I just saw an advert that was saying if you bought a Sony 3D television before the end of the year, they will refund the VAT paid. Thought I would pass it along. I know absolutely nothing about tvs so I cant help in any other way :)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 08:08:12 PM by JenniferB »

Re: 3D TV
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2010, 08:25:26 PM »
Ok, does anyone have a 3D television yet? How good is it really? We've been wanting a new tv for several years now and finally have some money to invest in one and DH is really keen on the Panasonic Viera GT20 HD 3D tv, and the reviews look great, plus there is a bundle that comes with the tv - a 3D Blu-Ray player, two sets of glasses and four 3D Blu-Ray movies. So it sounds like a pretty good deal, but my BFF in America thinks it's silly to spend the money on a 3D television now since they are so expensive and there aren't many movies for them yet. What do you think? (Keep in mind, we do have a four year old and we watch a lot of kids movies with him over and over again, so it doesn't really bother us that many of the 3D movies are kids movies.)

3D PS3 games!!!!!! (We have a 3D tv at work (we did :() it was awesome and I loved it :) )

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Re: 3D TV
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2010, 08:30:23 PM »
Ohh Jewlz watch out! I forgot GAMING! Before you know it, you will turn geek and hook it up to the computer via HDMI cable and be playing on there ;-)

Thank gosh you have your MAC!

Cant wait to hear what ya think of it and they seem to be a good TV without 3D as well ;-)

Happy Birthday to your DH [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif]

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