I still find cyclists to be the most annoying about driving (in the US) and walking (in the UK). At home, in a college town, I've seen several students biking the wrong way in a bike lane get crumpled by cars turning out with the near lane and not needing to watch for people coming up the wrong way, texting on a bike. It seems like because they are more vulnerable than cars, cyclists often don't seem to respect anyone else's right of way. I find more cyclists who don't obey traffic laws than cars or pedestrians, and have been nearly run down on several occasions in the past few weeks by cyclists who have decided to ignore a red light and go around a corner where I am walking completely clear and legally otherwise. I'm all for cutting pollution, but I would just like it if everyone could just chill out and obey the rules of the road. Including pedestrians making traffic wait at a green light just because they want to cross as I saw last night. Though, I do want to acknowledge that not everyone on a bike acts like this, as was pointed out farther up.