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Topic: I have a 'seasonal' job in the US, is that an issue with the IO's?  (Read 505 times)

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Like I mentioned in the subject line,  I have a 'seasonal' job in the US where I get time off in Janurary February and March.  I have a letter from Human Resourses verifing that I am an employee and for how long I have been employed.  I got that letter typed up early November.

The thing is that this job is a 'seasonal' job.  I will get re-called in early spring, but just don't know which department.  So since I have this time off, this was the perfect time to have a visit to England and meet him.

My nervousness is with the IO questions because I have read alot on this forum.  I have $4,000 to fund my trip for 2 months, I will have a letter of accomadation from him stating that I will be staying with him  through the duration of my stay and my basic needs will be met.  I just don't have 'stated' in that employment letter when I will be recalled for hire.... I just have it stating that I work there.

Will having this accomadation letter from him, along with my bank statement with the funds, a return flight date and the  employee letter just stating I do work there be enough to pass through?

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