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Topic: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!  (Read 1302 times)

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4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« on: August 28, 2004, 07:56:39 AM »
As many of you might remember, I sent my citizenship application off to the Home Office in late April.  I got a letter confirming they've recieved it a week or so after that.  And since then...NOTHING!  Nada...not a singel whisper.  I am starting to worry a bit now that they've lost it or something awful has happened.  I know some of you have already been through this.  Did it take this long?!

I'm not as concerned about the actually citizenship thing...that's really just a nice-to-have anyway, but they have both of our passports and I don't like the feeling of being unable to leave the country, you know?!  We've booked flights for December to go to the US....surely we'll have them back for that, right?!!

Anyone know what the norm is for timing on this sort of thing?!?!

Re: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2004, 09:48:39 AM »
I'm no help, but here's to hoping that you hear soon.  Any way you can ring up and check?

Re: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2004, 10:23:37 AM »
If you've got flights for Dec, I'd start calling NOW.  And keep calling.

Re: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2004, 10:45:10 AM »
I'm only been waiting for two months now, but I can definitely appreciate the tension involved. Sadly, I don't think that calling will help at all, since it hasn't been 6 months yet, so as far as the IND is concerned there's nothing to complain about. What I would do though is start filing a request to get your passports back. You can ask them for this, and they'll just note the info they need (or maybe make their own copies). I think that you'll have more success accelerating your application by asking them for the passports, which would draw attention to your dossier, rather than asking for the citizenship to be completed. Think of it this way: bureacrats don't like their power questioned and they get fussy when they think it's being done. Asking them for your passports is, in their mind, a legitimate request that doesn't undermine their authority. Asking them to do their job faster, however, does. Do you see what I mean? It might be more strategic to ask for something do-able that might have the same effect.

I sent in certified copies of my passport, so, alas, I don't have that option. Good luck!

Re: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2004, 10:59:02 AM »
And, info on how to request your passports as well as the standard waiting time (just shy of 8 months) is available from the IND here:


I know, I could've just added this to the other note, but this way I get my groupie star!

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Re: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2004, 02:02:40 PM »
Well, they said I couldn't call and check on the status...I think.  (I may be confusing this with visa stuff now....it all gets so mixed up in my mind.)

Anyway I will definitely start hassling them about returning my passports now.  THanks so much for that link lightbulb....I knew *someone* here would have the answer to my prayers.  :)  I'm not too worried about hurrying things up, but I really, REALLY don't want to miss my trip home.

Thanks again!! 

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Re: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2004, 10:15:04 PM »

sorry to hear that youre feeling stressed about your application :(

from what Ive read, after you hear that your application has been recieved you arent supposed to hear anything again until you've been granted citizenship or been denied. Last I knew it was taking 7 months - I guess its 8 now. But thats probably for applications that are new. So you never know, your approval might be just round the corner! The website should say what application dates they are processing now.

re: asking for your passports back. If you ask for your passports back and your case hasnt been reviewed by an officer yet I think they consider the application withdrawn. Perhaps you could email the request for passport address and ask them if they can check the status of your application or tell you what the implications are if you request your passports to be returned. You might also see if you could strike a deal with them - say that if they send your passports back you'll have copies made and forward them to the Home Office if they keep your application open. Worth a shot eh?

This might not be true for the nationality unit but when I had my indefinite leave to remain application in I asked for my passport back so I could travel. They said the case hadnt been reviewed by an officer yet but they would see what they could do. Several days later they said the application had been reviewed and approved. About a week / week and a half later I got my passport back stammped with the ILR. They knew the day I was due to travel and they actually got it to me THE DAY BEFORE departure. Talk about cutting it close, but they went the extra mile to make sure I had my documents back so I could A) Travel and B) get back into the country.

So maybe waiting it out a bit longer would pay off. I mean you have 3 months before you need to travel - a lot can happen in that time. I doubt they would need 3 months to return your passports.

Anyway, let us know how things go!
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Re: 4 months on and *still* no word about my app for Citizenship!
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2004, 08:46:12 AM »
Hey Marsbar,

Thanks a bundle for your advice!  It hadn't even occured to me that they might think I wanted to withdrawl the application.  Definitely do *not* want to give them that impression!  I'll make sure that the letter I write to them is very clear about that...and as you all say, I might get lucky and just get them to pull their finger out.  Probably easier for them to process the stupid thing since it is very straightforward than to copy every page of my passport for later.  Fingers crossed!

Thanks so much for your help!!

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