Hi everybody, well we've just had a lovely wedding in Tennessee, absolutely perfect. We went to the county court the day before to get our marriage licence and I asked the clerk about obtaining an official certificate.
She gave me two stamped certificates, she said in Tennessee they try to make the process as easy as possible and all I had to do was to get the minister to sign *here*, *here* and *here* and to return *this form* to them so that they could lodge it with Nashville. I said, "ah, a copy of the Nashville document is what I'll need", but she said that if I apply to Nashville after it's lodged, all I get is a certificate identical to one of the two that she had already provided me. She said that the certificate I had (once signed by the minister) was the official, legal certificate that I should use with any authorities, such as those that I needed to change my name with. She said that there was no alternative, no "more official" document than the one that I had.
I hope she's right as hubby has used it to apply for his visa. Fingers crossed.